Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reviewers' Roundtable- Book Storage

The Reviewers' Roundtable is a weekly discussion feature hosted by me and Emily from Read Your Bookcase.  Each week we discuss a different bookish/blogging topic and hope you guys will share your thoughts too! 

Go HERE to find a list of past/future topics.


Book Storage: What do you do with all your books??

After seeing a lot of pics and book hauls from my blogging friends over the past few years, I can honestly say that I am NOT the book hoarder that I once thought I was.  Sure I have a lot of books... but not even close to as many as most of you guys.  I do use the library a lot, so that helps.  I also read a lot on my Nook.  

The thing I want to fix in my life is good storage.  I want to have a place for ALL my books to be together.  I mean I just feel like my books belong in a place together and they won't be at peace until I fix this.

Here is what I've got going on right now:

(and yeah the bottom shelf is 2 books deep)

And a lot of other small piles scattered around like these:

Plus I have boxes of Fear Street, Sweet Valley High, and Judy Blume-types of books in my garage attic.

I wish I had some big shelves in a room, I just have to figure out which room I can put something like that in.  My house is kind of big, but it is wierdly set up so that there's hardly any room for furniture that goes against a wall.

I would love something like this:

or this:

The problem with having more storage space is that I will feel the need to fill it up!!  But yesterday I did just donate like 8-12 books to a library, so I'm sort of managing my stash :)

Check out Emily's post HERE.  She's not telling specific numbers... no fair!!! :)

So what's going on with your book collection??  Are you out of control... or like me and just have a slight problem?  Do you have your books all organized and happy... or do you have a mess?  What's your ideal book storage solution?


  1. Ha so funny the built-in bookcases is what I'm having done for one wall in our house we're getting built this summer! it won't have the window in the middle though but the pic is getting me excited! I do think a bookcase looks better when it's filled but not overfilled so when I get to the overfill point is when I done books either to the library or my family members! :)

    1. I hope you post what it looks like when it's finished!! I would love to see your new set-up and get a peek at all the books you have because I know you must have a ton :)

  2. I love the built-in bookshelves! I'm suppose to get some, though not that big, once we get our garage renovated. Where the door is now will be filled in with a built in bookcase. My father in law already designed the plans. It's been 5 years of waiting so far though, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was another 5. We're so SLOW!
    I do keep a lot of books. I donate a lot too, but I get books from the indie bookstore too. So my daughter brings books to her class library, I donate to the Pine Ridge Reservation and I sometimes bring to the JDC. I still have well over 2,000 books though. I have a total of 12 (I think) bookcases spread around my house. Once my kids grow up and we don't need the playroom anymore it will probably be turned into a library. But I'm not sure it's big enough for all my bookcases! I think at least two will stay in my room cause they have steamier covers I prefer to keep hidden. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm thinking the exact same thing... when we don't need the playroom anymore I will be able to have more book storage!!! 2,000 books though!!!!!!!! Holy Moly!! And you do donate a lot. I saw your posts on the PRR and thought that was really cool :)

  3. I have bookshelves for mine, and I have a problem that whenever there's space, I feel the need to fill it, which isn't good at all. I like to have all my books together in one section of my room, because I feel like that is my book space and the rest is for mess. I think your built in bookshelf idea is fantastic, I'd love to do that for my room, but it isn't big enough! I do tend to keep hold of books though, although I do donate unread for a while ones to my library :)

  4. Oh, wow, I'd love to have a built in bookshelf with a window-seat! That'd be perfect! :) Right now I kind of have a makeshift bookshelf. At my craftstore, they had some little wooden crates on sale and were showing different ways you could stack them to make shelves, so I got a few and put my books are in there. But they're almost all I can't get too many more books. ;)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  5. Forgot to add: I totally loved staring at the pictures of your shelves! Whenever I go to someone's house and I see a shelf, I start scanning the book titles. :)

    1. Oh I know that's the first thing I always do when I see pics of bookshelves or go into someone's house who has books. I'm always creeping over and looking at what they've got in there!

  6. Oh my goodness, the shelves and the windowseat just call my name! It looks so SO gorgeous! :D May we all have shelves like this!

  7. Oooh I love those built-in bookcases with the window seat. I would love to do something like that in a house someday. Actually, can I just have a whole room to be my library? That would be amazing. My boyfriend and I actually just bought two new bookcases! Only one is assembled right now, but I LOVE it :)

  8. $1 bookstore?!?!?! I need one of those!

  9. That built in bookshelves photo *sigh* want.
    Ok so I just moved into our new home and plan to start over redoing my bookshelves. I someday want my new library to have built in wall to wall shelving, but that might be a project we save up for so for now I'll just buy bookshelves and try to figure out how to organize them. I actually did a similar topic a few weeks ago asking people how they organize their shelves. I still don't know if I'll do by author's name or first by genre then by author, like a library/bookstore. Hmm.
