Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish Goals

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (January 5th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Bookish Resolutions For 2016

Wooo!!  Happy New Year!!  2016 is starting out a little slow for me.  I don't really FEEL like doing anything... which kinda sucks.  I don't know why I feel this way, but my reading/blogging slump has reared it's ugly head again.  And also IRL I'm being lazy.  I think it's because I put off doing things until after Christmas (because the holiday season is SO busy), but now it's time to do alllll those things... and I don't wanna!  Now I'm going to make a list that will hopefully get me inspired to get out of this funk.

1.  Read 75 Books- I always go for 100, and reading an average of 2 books/week clearly is never going to happen.  I need to be more realistic and go for 75.

2.  Be a More Consistent Blogger- I've been trying things out with my blog and I really like the things I've been doing.  But I want to do them consistently.  For instance, Share the Love Fridays- I love sharing the love.  I want to try to do it every Friday.  Even when I'm feeling Lazy.

3.  Be Better About Writing In My Plot Journal- I used to be so good at writing down what I read right after I was done reading it.  Lately I've been slacking, and I really want to get back into it.  It comes so in handy when an author writes a surprise sequel.  Or if I have a brain attack and can't remember the "big twist".

4.  WRITE- I have so many ideas for writing, and there are 2 things holding me back.  1- I have a lack of discipline and 2- I am a self-loather.  Every time I write something I end up HATING the shit out of it.  But it's like that with everything I do, so I just need to lay off myself and just write.

5.  Continue To Read What I Want- For the longest time I used to think that I wasn't as interesting because I don't read all the hottest/hyped books.  I read the more unknown/underdog types.  Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of new releases and some are really popular, but mostly I'm not reading what everyone else is reading.  Then I realized: I LIKE IT THIS WAY.  It's fun to bring awareness to a lesser known book.  There are so many great books written by people other than John Green and Sarah J. Maas that I want to showcase! (not that I don't love those 2 authors, but I want to share more than just them).

6.  BEA 2016???- So Chicago.... hmmm.  I'm still thinking about it.  It would be cool to go to a new city that I've never visited, and if I don't go I would probably super regret it.  But I'm not a big fan of flying.  And I don't know who I would stay with.

7.  Vegas!!!- A girl from book club and I are planning a Vegas trip!!  I've never been and I'm SO freaking excited.  The trip is part of an FYA meet-up, so that's super exciting too.

8.  Book Club Goals- I don't really have book club goals except to have an awesome time (which I always do because our book club is everything), but I have a few things to think about.  I'd like to read more of the monthly books.  I'd like to continue our old-school Twitter readalongs.  And lastly, I'd like to finish in the top 3 of FYA's annual Summer Showdown.

9.  Go Back To The Library- I have not been to a library in AGES.  I have no idea why except for the fact that I'm trying to read more of the physical books I have laying around.  The library is an experience that I want more in my life though, and in 2016, I'm going to be better at going there.

10.  Be Creative- I like some of the things I've done in my blogging/reading life in 2015.  I've made so many more friends which I'm not always good at internet friends.  I've made my blog prettier and different.  More TV, movie, fashion, real life stuff is involved.  I want to continue that trend and even push it further.  I want to be super creative in 2016 and come up with even more than I did last year.

I love a fresh start, even if it is only in our minds.  Hopefully 2016 will bring all of us all the things we're wishing for :)

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  1. These are all great. I have to say I am jealous you are part of a book club and an awesome one at that. I would love to go to BEA this year because Chicago is awesome. But $$. I also like the library goal. I need to get there more. Good luck with them all!!

  2. I am already registered for BEA this year. I hope you are able to make it. I guess I am fortunate that I live within biking distance to my library. I am there often, which helps to eliminate the piles of books in my house and saves money for other things.

    Good luck with all of your goals!!

    My TTT: http://www.jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2016.html

  3. I'm still debating what to do about BEA too! I'm glad it's returning to NYC in 2017 and I have a feeling they don't have enough attendees in Chicago since they sent me an email that basically said click this button and you have a press badge lol.

    1. It is going back to NYC for 2017??? That makes me SO happy!!! I love New York so much.

  4. I would love to go to BEA! I don't really know much about it though. I probably couldn't afford to go anyway haha. Good luck on your resolutions! My TTT http://angelerin.blogspot.com/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-my-top-ten-most-ocd.html?m=0

  5. I went for 100 books last year and only ended up reading 65 so this year by target is 70. I love No.2, such a great idea and I can totally relate to that. I am always wishing I could be more consistent and I also try so hard to keep my own feature 'Sunday Funday' posted every week.
    I'm super jealous of everyone who goes to BEA, I live in the UK and would love to go but don't know anyone over there and have nowhere to stay etc, but I would LOVE to go and hope that you get to too.
    Good luck with your resolutions and happy new year! :)

  6. Good luck with your resolutions! I’ve been to Vegas a few times. It’s an interesting place.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  7. I would love to be a more consistent blogger just don't know how. BEA 2016 i would love to do that. I hope you get too.

  8. Good luck with completing all your 2016 goals!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/

  9. I hope you make it to BEA!!! Chicago is awesome, but I haven't been there in forever!!

    Here's a link to my Top Ten Tuesday post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-resolutions-i.html

  10. BEA in Chicago would be amazing! Something I Would very much like to do- I think. I loved reading your goals/resolutions. I love seeing what others are excited about changing or continuing in the new year. I would absolutely love to read 100 books in a year- but I don't think I am ever going to challenge myself to do it. I am an incredibly slow reader- I am going to try and push myself to read 90 this year. We shall see

    Good luck and happy new year!
