I went back to BEA for the 3rd year in a row. This is what happened:
Travel Day
When it was announced that BEA would be in Chicago, I wasn't sure I would go. Mostly because of the travel. I live in Pittsburgh and can drive to NYC in about 4-5 hours-- do-able. Chicago is 8-- not so much. I am not a fan of flying, but since it was either that or a 10 hour train ride, I decided if I was going to go, it only made sense to fly (plus the price was not that much different). I haven't flown since before 9/11.... isn't that crazy??? So I was super nervous about just about everything that had to do with the airport and the plane. After some nasty turbulence, I made it okay. I wasn't a fan, but I made it.
When I got to the hotel, I met up with about half my group and we went to Shake Shack for lunch. I am SO obsessed with Shake Shack from last year in Brooklyn and DEMAND that they put one in the 'Burgh :) Later that night we went to Lou Malnati's for deep dish pizza.... because how can you go to Chicago without getting some deep dish?? It was very good.... I'm more of a think pizzeria-style pizza girl, but I enjoyed the deep dish yumminess.
Highlight of the Day: Meeting all my roommates- most of them for the first time IRL- Becca, Octavia & Shelly, Britt, Rachael, Cassi, Christina, Angie, Pili, Nikki, and Katie.
Day 1
BEA started at 1pm again this year for the first day. Almost all of my roommates were either speaking at BloggerCon, or they wanted to get in line early. But me and Rachael decided to just chill out and pretty much didn't bother going down until an hour before the doors opened. I had to LOL a little at the line disarray. They had people snaked back and forth in a line, but no ropes up.... so when they opened the doors what do you think happened? Well, it was a free-for-all. I went in and had a very chill day. I talked to a few publishers in booth about books I was excited for and I crossed one of my number one priorities off my list: Replica by Lauren Oliver. I have to thank the awesome girls in the HarperCollins booth for giving me this book even though they ran out one person in front of me. Due to line cutters, there was supposed to be enough books, but there weren't. They hooked me up, and I was SO beyond thankful.
That night we went to Shake Shack (AGAIN), but that was fine with me!
Highlight of the Day: Meeting Erica M. Chapman, the author of Teach Me to Forget (a book I'm SUPER excited about) and getting a copy of Dog Man by Dav Pikey-- my kid loves his books!
*Bottom Left: Becca, Me, and Britt on the BEA floor (Photo Cred: Becca) / Top Right: Me and some of the girls getting ready to eat deep dish / Bottom Right: Day 1 Book Haul*
Day 2
BEA was back to starting at 9. People were lined up early for stuff (mostly Metaltown), but there didn't seem to be any books that had the HYPE like Truthwitch and Passenger did last year. They also figured out that you have to have ropes up if you want to keep that many people in order.... duh!! This day was JAMMED PACKED for me. And it seemed like the exhaustion from traveling and sleeping in a strange place chose to catch up to me at this time as well. Of course. So I felt like a walking zombie, but I wasn't going to let it get me down!! I had a mission to complete! So I went from one signing/book drop to the next and I got some of my most anticipated books-- 738 Days (LOVE STACEY KADE, she's SO sweet), Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics, and Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow. Shoutout to Britt for getting me Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco-- it was also one of my must-haves.
I also have to mention the one cluster-fuck that occurred at the Macmillan. Thursday was THE day for all the top authors and books. For some odd reason Macmillan decided to do a ticket drop at 1pm for all their afternoon signings. We're talking Heartless, Vassa in the Night, 738 Days, and You Know Me Well, and maybe other books that I've now forgotten. Anyway, it was a mess. They were doing the whole "there's no lines" thing and basically when time came for tickets there was a stampede. A friend of mine got pushed into a table, a few people legit felt like they were at trample-risk. This is not okay. People should not act like this, but the publishers should put safety first and have these situations better controlled. People won't stampede if they feel like things are being done fairly. I was just lucky that my girls Cassi & Britt went and got me my Stacey Kade and David Levithan tickets so I didn't have to deal.
That night we were all exhausted and ordered dinner in. Some people in our group went to publisher parties... I went to bed.
Hightlight of the Day: Meeting Adam Silvera!! He's the Bomb Dot Com. Also my roommates are weird and had a Hamilton sing-a-long, which I have video of for future blackmailing purposes :)
*Left: Me & Adam Silvera / Center: Me & David Levithan / Top Right: My Day 2 outfit (darn right I repped the 90's) / Bottom Right: Me & Kristin*
Day 3
Last day already!!! The only thing I really wanted for this day was to get What Light by Jay Asher. Gemina (the 2nd Illuminae book) was another priority. Fun Fact: waiting in the giant Gemina line was kind of fun???? Yeah, that's what I said. We all lined up super early and basically made a pact that we could all come and go and our spot would be held. It was nice to run and get a book that maybe didn't have a big line and be able to come back and sit in my original spot to wait. Sometimes people work together really well :)
That night we went to the blogger dinner hosted by Whitley and Octavia. It was a blast. Those girls organized such a nice event!! If I was the one in charge it would've been a disorganized hot-mess, so I give major props for the way it all turned out. After that me and Becca went to Howl at the Moon with Wendy, Danielle, and Rebecca. It was a late, late night and a fun time.
Highlight of the Day: Meeting Jenn and Ash from JennReneeReads!! I've been following and talking with them since FOREVER and it was so nice to finally meet them. And their story of how Jenn met Marissa Meyer and got Heartless signed was one that made my heart want to burst. There were a lot of negative stories to come out in the aftermath of BEA, and this was one of the good ones! Also, meeting Sara Shepard was pretty fabulous.
*Nikki, Cassi, & Me (see Cassie really does hug people) / Sara Shepard & Me*
*Top Left: The Night Out Girls (Photo Cred: Becca) / Bottom Left: Me and Becs / Top Right: Me & Lauren (yay for meeting her) / Me & Nicole (her mom was with her and OMG-- LOVE) / Me & the shorties at Jenn Renee Reads*
Travel Day
UGHH Hungover & exhausted :) My plane didn't leave until late, so I got to hang out with a lot of my roomies in the hotel lobby and at the airport. I was sad to leave them, but also I was starting to really miss my little boy (and our 2 puppies).
*Me & Britt & Becca looking rough before we left for the airport / Trying to fit all my books, haha*
Final Book Haul
- I have to admit I went into this BEA thinking it might be my last. A- I'm over 30 and I'm wondering when it's time to hang it up? and B- while I love the experiences I've had and the friends I've made in past BEA's, I never felt very accepted into the overall blogging group. BEA is about books and authors, but it's also nice when you can meet other people who you have SO MUCH IN COMMON WITH. I don't know anyone else in my real life who blogs. And besides book club, I don't know many that like to read either, so it's nice to meet new blog friends. It's harder for me than it seems to be for most of you to make friends over the internet. Maybe it's partly a generational thing?? I don't know... but I see all of you clicking with people just from talking on the computer, and I think HOW?? It's so cool, but I don't exactly know how to do it right. I got off track--- okay what I was saying was, while I've met a lot of cool people in the past at BEA, my overall experience was that I didn't find people (in general) to be overwhelmingly friendly or inclusive. It kind of felt like a party I came to without an invitation. Now, I don't know if it is because this one was in Chicago and it had a more laid-back vibe, or if it was because I went with such a large group, or if I just stopped caring, but I didn't feel ANY of that weird uncomfortableness that I've felt in past BEA's. So basically- YAY, and I'll see you all in NYC in 2017 (unless something life-altering happens).
- BUT I don't want my past BEA-ers to think I don't still love you!!! Because OMG I SO do and wouldn't even have GONE to Chicago if you didn't show me how cool and friendly people could be.
- Chicago-- does the sun ever touch your skies?? Well it didn't while we were there. The weather was miserable- cold & rainy :(
- McCormick Place vs. The Javits Center Whether it was because it was better organized or less crowded (due to people not being able/wanting to come after it was announced it was moved), I felt like the entire atmosphere was less stressful and more enjoyable. When publishers wouldn't let us make a line, we made one anyway and people abided by that (except for the Macmillan debacle). Everyone (for the most part) was super respectful and I thought Chicago rocked that shit. The location was another thing.... the McCormick is near NOTHING. We ended up spending so much money on Uber and Lyftt to go anywhere and it kinda sucked. I missed New York's awesome public transportation for sure. Also, there's just more to do in New York (or maybe there's just more I want to do).
- My drama response- I just want to make one quick comment about this. If you didn't know, there was some talk about a few people who maybe took more than their fair share of the books, and I must say I was super disappointed. I hate that it only takes a few "bad apples" to give all bloggers a bad name. I hate that when something like this happens, people start questioning if bloggers should even be allowed to attend the event. It really sucks. Please-- if you attend this event in the future: don't be greedy. There's no reason on Earth you need 6 copies of a book. If you want to do a giveaway, read the 1 copy you got and give that away. If the publishers want you to do a giveaway, they will ask... and THEY will do the mailing! If you are taking multiple copies of a book, don't delude yourself into thinking you're doing a good deed to those who couldn't attend. You're doing it add followers to your blog, not spread the wealth and help advertise the book. Do you think we're all stupid?? Bottom Line- there are limited copies of books, and let's all be kind and SHARE :)
- Thank you to EVERYONE I interacted with. All the authors, all the publicists, all the bloggers. Especially to my roommates- thank you so much for being YOU and crawling up into my heart. It's because of you that I had the best time :)
- I wish I took more pictures :( I know I say that every year, but this time I really did a shit job :(

Aw, this is maybe my favorite BEA wrap-up yet! It looks like you had SO much fun! I understand about not feeling included in the community sometimes. I've been here five years now and I still feel like an outsider. It's part of why I've never made it a priority to attend BEA...I don't want to feel like that when I'm supposed to be with my people, ya know? But my friend Sabrina -- she says she met you and that you were lovely, btw (I told her we were #otspsecretsister's) -- is really trying to goad me into attending ALA in Chicago next year. If it's anything like your experience at BEA this year, I may have to give in. :)
ReplyDeleteI did meet Sabrina!! She's very cool!! You should totally try ALA. I've never been, but not as many bloggers go, so I would think it would be more laid back. If you decide to go to BEA and I'm there that year, we're definitely meeting up!!
DeleteI'm so happy we got to hang out a little bit again! And I cannot believe you were able to bring so many books home!
ReplyDeleteLOL since Southwest allowed 2 checked bags under 50 lbs AND a carry on, I had lots of room for books!! Unlike NYC where everything I bring home I have to physically carry out of the city. It was SO nice to see you and I'm so glad we got to chat for a little!
DeleteThere are too many pictures of me hugging people in the world. THEY MUST BE DESTROYED! I have a non-hugger reputation to uphold. Just kidding. That picture is super cute.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that it felt more chill. I was impressed with how most of the publishers and the people at McCormick adapted after there were problems the day before. Like by putting the ropes up on Day 2. It was nice to see that they saw issues and resolved them. But yes, on the public transportation. Although to be honest there is a pretty good train in Chicago we just never took it because I think getting to it was a walk from McCormick.
And ugh, the drama. I'm really happy that most people are cool about that but it's too bad that the other make us all look bad. They should all do it like we did and share. I'm glad we live in the same city and aren't so attached to our books that we're willing to do that. It made things much more chill. And on the note of the Macmillan line. I'm glad you waited in Harlequin while I went there. It helped that we could divide and conquer.
I'm so glad you had fun hanging with all of us. Although I am bummed we never got to take that roommate picture. I can't wait for next year! It's going to be great.
Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally
I am SO bummed about the roommate picture!! I've been creeping on the type of picture we wanted to take and OMG!!!! I don't think I'll ever get used to those pictures!! I'm so glad to find a blogger that lives near me that I can share books with... life is so much better when we share stuff instead of being greedy!! I can't wait until BEA next year, so start saving up!!
DeleteIt sounds like you had a really great time! I love all your pictures. Thanks for sharing your experience :D
ReplyDeleteThank you!! It was a great time :)
DeleteAhh I loved meeting up with you too. So glad we got to go. My Marisa Meyer story will always be one of my favorites. It was so memorable. I do need to post the picture but I was so ugly crying not sure if I want to yet. I hope to go again next year. It was a blast.
ReplyDeleteThe world needs to see that picture!
DeleteGreat recap. Cassi hugged me. Or maybe I hugged her, which is weird because I am not a huggy person either. I was just so excited to meet her! :) Sorry I didn't get to meet you.
ReplyDeleteAwww Cassi!!! More evidence of you hugging nature ^ ...But seriously Kate, I wish I would have got to meet you too. Were you at the blogger dinner??
DeleteI agree that things in Chicago seemed to be better organized, the McCormick people brought out the ropes on day 2 after seeing the issues on day 1, but after many years doing BEA at the Javits, they still DON'T DO IT! WHY!?
ReplyDeleteIt was fantastic having you in our group Michelle! I'm just sorry we didn't bring you to the "obsessed with Hamilton" side of the Force! ;)
HAHAHA I just don't get the Hamilton thing. But yeah it was so nice to be invited into your group... I can never express how grateful I am to have been able to go with such a nice group of ladies. And I swear they're stubborn at Javits... they never learn!!
DeleteIt was so great meeting you too, and I'm glad that this BEA changed your mind about wanting to attend in the future. I would LOVE to go back next year, and I hope it works out that I can. I think Chicago was fairly laid back too and I had a good time. I did a lot better this year meeting bloggers and taking photos, but there are some people I wish I had gotten a photo with. My wrap-up goes live tonight at 12 a.m. EST and there will be a link up for people to share their wrap-ups, if you want to put yours there for others to see! I'm glad you got all the books you really wanted. I thought the Gemina line was pretty good too. It was really fun overall!
That's SO nice of you to have a link-up. I love when people do stuff like that!! I am SO happy I got to meet you.
DeleteGah so much fun!! I love Chicago and still so bummed I couldn't go. Your book haul is amazing!! Can't wait until next year so I hope I can go since it will be in NYC again. Lovely recap!
ReplyDeleteI SO hope you can go next year!! And if you do we have to meet. You're definitely high on my must-meet bloggers list!
DeleteI've heard this year's BEA was the best so far...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had a good time and that you'll go next year again.
And you got yourself some great books and I hope you'll enjoy reading them.
Thank you!! I did have a fab time and I'm still in this weird happy "I got all these new books" haze :)
DeleteIt was so great meeting you at the blogger dinner. You actually helped me feel not out of place at my first BEA, so many props to you. I loved how (except for 1 rude person I encountered ) everyone was so kind in the lines and how genuinely sweet the authors were. Hopefully I see you next year!
ReplyDeleteIt was so great meeting you at the blogger dinner. You actually helped me feel not out of place at my first BEA, so many props to you. I loved how (except for 1 rude person I encountered ) everyone was so kind in the lines and how genuinely sweet the authors were. Hopefully I see you next year!
ReplyDeleteGreat recap! As an over 30 blogger myself I can relate to some of your feelings about if BEA is the right place for you. Because of the generation gap I find that I don't connect with as many other bloggers as I would like at these kinds of events but perhaps because I know quite a few other over 30, 40, 50 book bloggers IRL and online I don't take it to heart as much. I just appreciate that I'm not in all the crazy YA lines (just some, lol!). Hopefully I'll see you next year, NY is my hometown so I'll definitely be there--with some of my over 30 co-bloggers :)
ReplyDeleteUgh line-cutters?? Literally people are wild. Omg I heard about the stampede for Heartless was wild and I'm glad I wasn't there. haha. Jeez, someone was pushed into a table? Calm yourselves, people. And seriously, the 6 copies of one book is absolute nonsense. I truly feel bad for the librarians/booksellers/bloggers who've missed because of this thieving person.
ReplyDeleteSlightly jealous of It's Not Me, It's You & Three Dark Crowns! Also the spine of Going Wild is so cute!
Hope to see you at BEA2017! I aspire to go to that one. (I couldn't go to Chicago because I live in the East Coast and such), so I'd love to see you and so many other bloggers there. Plus, it's back in NYC next year!
I agree that this year's BEA seemed much calmer and more organized than the last time I went (in 2014) - let's hope they can keep that vibe going next year in NY! My mom LOVED going to BEA with me, and now she's much more excited to blog with me (yay for the win!) - everyone was so sweet and welcoming to her, including you!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
This year's BEA was pretty great! Glad you could make it, and your recap made everything sounds new and amazing again :) Although I will admit, I'm really suffering from post-BEA syndrome still. And oh yes, Shake Shack. Sooooo good. <3 _ <3
ReplyDelete- Eli @ The Silver Words
BEA looks incredible! I really wish that I could have gone, but I guess that i'll just have to vicariously live through you ;D