Flashtide (Flashfall #2)
by Jenny MoyerPublisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Release Date: November 14th 2017
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia
Orion has survived the tunnels of Outpost Five, filled with mutant creatures and dangers around every bend. She has traversed the cordons, exposed to the radiation of the flash curtain and hunted by forces that want her stopped, dead or alive. Now, with Dram by her side, she has made it to the safety of the mountain provinces, where free Conjurors live and practice their craft of manipulating matter.
But Orion's story is far from over.
With the effects of the flashfall spreading and the might of the protected city of Alara looming, Orion must travel into the hands of her enemies once again. Heart-pounding action and adventure await in this sequel to Flashfall.
Hello Jenny! We are super excited to have you back in our FFBC tours.
I’m thrilled to be a part of it! Thanks for helping spread the FLASHTIDE excitement!
Could you tell our Book Addicts a little bit about FLASHTIDE?
FLASHTIDE is the sequel to FLASHFALL, and it continues the story of Orion and Dram, two caving partners from a futuristic mining outpost , who descended deadly tunnels in search of an ore that would earn them safety from the flashfall. Instead, they discovered their people were being betrayed, and that the only way to freedom would be a path they’d have to forge themselves.
FLASHTIDE concludes their story and is full of exciting twists and turns—as well as romance and page-turning suspense. I love how this reviewer puts it:
"Fans of the unique post-apocalyptic story will be riveted by the blistering pacing and unexpected twists. An intriguing follow-up." –Kirkus
I encourage readers who aren’t familiar with FLASHFALL to check out the book trailer. My husband is a filmmaker, and he did an amazing job. It gives an exciting glimpse into the world and characters.
Book trailer link:
For people who have not started the series yet, how would you describe the main character, Orion?
Orion is the type of character who gets knocked down again and again, and keeps getting back up. She’s a dreamer who believes there’s a better life for her people, and that it’s worth fighting for. She’s also reckless, and doesn’t stop to consider the consequences of her actions, and this often gets her into trouble. Orion’s upbringing as a Subpar miner in Outpost Five has made her incredibly strong and her determination lends her a courage that inspired me while I was writing her story.
As a Subpar, Orion has a special connection to the cirium she mined for down the tunnels, and a unique ability to find things. Her gifts lead her to become the youngest Lead Ore Scout at Outpost Five, and they play a significant role in what takes place in FLASHTIDE.
What is exactly the ‘flashfall’?
The flashfall is the “fallout” of an anomaly called the flash curtain. It emits deadly particles and radiation that endangers everyone who gets within a certain distance of it.
The flashfall has altered people and other living things that have had to live within it and have adapted to survive. Orion and her people, Subpars, have lived for generations in the flashfall. It has affected them—as well as the creatures they face down the tunnels they mine.
There are also people who have been affected by the flashfall in ways that enable them to manipulate organic matter. These people—Conjurors—are featured in FLASHTIDE.
How did you come up with the story? Did you find inspiration in any other story/movie/show and how has this affected your writing?
When I wrote FLASHFALL, I was in the process of querying agents and trying hard to get my first book published. It can be an incredibly daunting and discouraging process. I had just received more rejection letters, and was considering giving up on my dream. I decided to begin writing a new project, about a girl who believed her dreams were possible, despite her circumstances. Orion’s journey inspired mine, and I worked up the courage to submit my new manuscript to agents. This was the one that finally opened doors for me, and lead to my dream come true.
As far as the setting, I wanted Orion to feel trapped, and the tunnels and outpost were perfect for that. I’m extremely claustrophobic, so I basically created a world for her that terrified me. When she rebels, and is sent to the deadly cordons that border the flash curtain—I pulled from my desert experiences from growing up in Arizona.
Tell us your favorite quote from FLASHTIDE.
The darkest places aren’t down tunnels, or in cordons absent of moonlight and stars. They’re inside us.
But then so is the light.
My decision sparks inside me, a glimmer that grows as the pod skims above the track toward Outpost Five.
I’m not going to leave Dram in the dark.
I refuse to leave any of them to the dark.
Is there a specific scene that you had the most fun to write?
FLASHTIDE is very much a story of survival and suspense, and—strangely—I most enjoyed writing the moments of conflict between Orion and Dram. In FLASHFALL, I bring those characters right up to edge of what they can handle, and in FLASHTIDE, I push them over it.
Orion and Dram have a gift of finding light in dark times. They tend to joke when circumstances are at the most dire. I had fun writing those lines.
If you had to pick one song to be the Theme Song for FLASHTIDE – Which one would you pick?
“Rise” by Katy Perry
Imagine that we get to see your book on the big screen (how awesome would that be?). Who would you pick to play your characters? (It can be anyone – famous or not)
Ahh! That would be a total dream come true! Since I have a production background, I tend to write pretty cinematically. I’m always imagining the visual elements of the scenes I write. As far as actors, I don’t have anyone in mind for Orion. An actor who would be perfect for Dram is KJ Apa (who plays Archie on Riverdale.)
It’s fun to think of FLASHFALL hitting the big screen. It’s been considered by film companies, but it hasn’t been optioned. So I’ll keep it on the dream list for now . . .
Are there any recommendations you could give your readers to be in the “perfect mood” to read FLASHTIDE (specific music, snacks…)?
Both FLASHFALL and FLASHTIDE are atmospheric and suspenseful. Crisp fall weather + blanket + candle is my idea of perfect reading conditions! Snacks? Anything with chocolate. Right now, I can’t get enough of dark chocolate sea salt Boom Chicka Pop. As far as music, here are the top songs from my FLASHTIDE playlist, which really capture the mood of the book:
“Torches” X. Ambassadors
“Rise” Katy Perry
“What You Wanted” One Republic
“Breathe Me” Sia
“Say Something” A Great Big World
How would you describe being an author is like and what’s your favourite part of it?
Dream. Come. True.
I wrote many books and spent years trying to get published, and I still get emotional whenever I see my novel on a bookstore shelf.
My favorite part of being an author is connecting with fans. When readers share a post, or reach out to me through Instagram or Twitter, telling me how much they love Orion and Dram, it is the BEST THING EVER. Knowing that my stories resonate with people makes all the hard parts of this job worth it!
I also love speaking at schools and conferences, where I get the chance to inspire people, and encourage them to pursue their dreams.
What’s next for you?
I’m currently hard at work writing two young adult fantasies.
Thank you so much for everything, Jenny!
Thank you for having me! I hope everyone enjoys reading FLASHTIDE!
You can find out more about the books here:
Watch the FLASHFALL book trailer here:
This might be one of my favorite interviews ever!! The excitement just oozes from all of Jenny's answers. I love what she said about her fave parts of being an author-- it makes me happy to know that authors appreciate all the fan love and blogger help that we give :)

Find out more at http://www.jennymoyer.com and connect with Jenny on Twitter and Facebook.
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I haven't read Flashfall yet, but I have a copy on my shelf and it's on my TBR for sure. Even more so knowing the sequel is out, so I can binge-read :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Flashfall yet, but I already have my copy next to my reading chair. This second book is already on my TBR.
ReplyDeleteGreat review. I am now very interested in learning this story of survival and expectation. The reader will like the characteristic but romantic characters. Thank.