Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday-- Fall 2018 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme now hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (September 18th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Books on my Fall 2018 TBR

  • Fall reading is looking really good!!  There are so many cool sounding books coming out & I can't wait to dive in.

1.  Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand- This book is definitely out of my comfort zone, but it has elements of things I love to read about-- like missing girls and monsters that may or may not exist.

2.  The Lying Woods by Ashley Elston- I am SO excited for this book!!!

3.  The Seven Torments of Amy and Craig by Don Zolidis- This book is set in the 90's & features a dysfunctional relationship AND is supposed to be funny!!

4.  Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer- Who doesn't want to read something gory around the Halloween season?

5.  Rabbit & Robot by Andrew Smith- This sounds SO weird, but it's Andrew Smith and I need weird in my life.

6.  The Geography of Lost Things by Jessica Brody- Jessica Brody is queen.

7.  Watch You Burn by Amanda Searcy- We worked with this author while touring her first book, and she is super nice.  But also, I like to read about pyros.

8.  The Boneless Mercies by April Genevieve Tucholke- I never read Fantasy or books with wolves on the covers-- so I'm scared, but also kind of excited??

9.  Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- I love this cover + YA Mysteries are my jam.

10.  Broken Things by Lauren Oliver- This is kind of a cheat because I'm reading it now-- but guys!!! It's SO GOOD!!!!

What books are on your Fall TBR?


  1. I'm so excited for The Lying Woods too! I think I might read it next!

  2. I'm reading Geography of Lost Things now and liking it. Super excited for the Lying Woods and Broken Things. Hope you get to and enjoy all of these!

  3. I read these lists and I start to panic. There are so many books out there that I haven't even heard of and now I want to look into them. But my TBR is already over 100 books long. If I just read them it would take me over a year to finish the list without adding new titles (which I do all the time.) Eek! My Fall TBR list

  4. I am definitely picking up Not Even Bones this fall. It sounds perfect for October. Happy reading!

  5. Great list! There’s so many here I want to read! I read a sample few chapters of Sawkill Girls and it looks like it will be a great and intense read! I’ve got the Boneless Mercies so I might have to try and get to it soon too! 😊

  6. I want to read Amy and Craig and Little White Lies. Disney always rejects me, so I am hoping my library gets both books at some point. I LOVED Brody's new book. I usually like her books, but something about this one just worked so well for me. I am almost finished with Broken Things. I am enjoying it. I have to read Watch You Burn too. I enjoyed Searcy's debut and am hoping this is just as good for me.

  7. I hope you enjoy all these! The Boneless Mercies and Broken Things have been on so many lists today.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. I haven't read any of these, but they all sound good. Especially the Elston book.

    Happy TTT!

  9. Broken Things- yes please. New Lauren Oliver- and it's good too? Yes!!

  10. So many I want to read too - Not Even Bones, Broken Things, The Boneless Mercies, and Sawkill Girls. They all sound perfect for the fall/Halloween season.


  11. I definitely want to read Sawkill Girls. And I spotted Robot and Rabbit at my BN over the weekend. It does sound weird but also really good. Happy fall!

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite book reviews

  12. I REALLY need to read Amy and Craig! It sounds SO fun! I don't possess it though, so I shall wait! I LOVED Not Even Bones so I hope you do too! I liked Broken Things and Boneless Mercies too! I am on the fence about my feelings about Sawkill Girls but it was at least decent? Maybe? Hahha but at least most of them are awesome! Hope you enjoy them all!
