Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday-- ME Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme now hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (May 7th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Characters That Remind Me of Myself

  • HA!!  This was a hard list to put together.  I basically had to Google Unlikable Female Protagonists to get here-- hahah, I did not in fact Google that, but I thought about it.
  • Also, thank you in advance for not judging me.

1.  Bad Girls with Perfect Faces by Lynn Weingarten- Sasha.  I related so hard to Sasha because I am also not about that overly romantic stuff and I have that hard outside to me, but I have soft spots for certain people and my walls can be broken down.

2.  Grit by Gillian French- Darcy.  I felt a real kinship with Darcy.  She has complicated relationships, people have an idea about her that isn't even what she's really like.... I just felt like we were the same peoples.

3.  Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver- Dara.  Unfortunately, I am a whirlwind of destruction sometimes.  I lose things, I break things, I borrow and don't give back.  My dad calls me "the black hole".  A lot of times someone (my mom, my friends, my husband) has to come around and clean up my messes (literally and figuratively).  I wish I was more of a Nick, but I'm not-- and it was hard reading this book and having a mirror held up to my sucky side.

4.  Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills- I wish I was like Claudia, but I'm much more like Iris.

5.  Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios- Grace.  I wish I didn't see myself in Grace, but as her relationship progresses with Gavin, I SO saw myself in everything she did.

6.  Tease by Amanda Maciel- Sara. I totally had a friendship like Sara had with Brielle-- toxic.

7.  Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski- Violet & April.  I feel like I see different parts of myself in both of these girls.  Their overall attitudes definitely remind me of me and one of my friends in high school.

8.  Crash & Burn by Michael Hassan- Steven Crashinsky.  I was WAY too much like Crash as a teenager.  Just no sense of boundaries, always wanting to push the limits, kinda self-centered.

9.  The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard- Colt.  Totally know everything he's going through and our personalities are SO similar. 

10.  Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett- Rose.  I relate to her inner dialogue and anger.  I also was once naive (although never quite as sexy-time challenged as Rose) and I cringe with familiarity when I see it on her.

Do you have an easy time finding characters that remind you of yourself in books??  Or are you more like me and usually just read about people that are nothing like you?


  1. I feel you with Darcy from Grit! Great list!!

  2. I picked an Emma Mills character, too - I think a lot of people could find their high school selves in her books!

    1. Agreed!! The way she writes characters who feel so real amazes me!

  3. I totally get you on Grace from Bad Romance. I had a very similar experience and I did a lot of what Grace would do, unfortunately. Great list!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I feel like abusive relationships follow patterns a lot of the time. Reading Bad Romance made me realize that because I felt like Heather Demetrios was following me around in the early 2000's or something.

  4. Have you always had the habit of accidentally breaking things? I don't know a lot of people who do that, so I'm quite curious to hear how old you were when you first noticed it.

    My TTT.

    1. I think it's more like I don't take great care of things?? Like I'll borrow something and then leave it on the floor where it might get stepped on, or in a pile of random stuff in my car and it gets spilled on or something.

  5. Great list! Haha I love that you googled unlikable female protagonists, I totally feel you there. I haven't actually read any of these but the cover of Bad Romance is so beautiful I might have to check it out.

    1. Bad Romance is SO good. In a heartbreaking way-- but such an honest portrayal of emotional abuse.

  6. I haven't read any of these, but yes, it can be difficult to see parts of ourselves in characters that aren't very likable. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. I recently added Foolish Hearts to my bookshelf, so hopefully I'll read it soon!! :)

  8. Great list! I love that you chose characters I haven't seen on other blogs.

  9. I love how you went for 'unlikeable' characters. Gutsy and honest! I love it. The most gutsy I got this round was my Emma comparison. And I originally didn't come up with that. My Mom and best friend did. ROFL. Great list! :)

  10. I love this topic so much - maybe I’ll do a post about it!
    PS Can’t picture you as a whirlwind of destruction!

  11. Ha! I cackled, when you said you googled unlikable female for yourself (your online self is quite likable). Claudia was goals. I really just wanted to be adopted by her family.

  12. I see myself in a lot of books I read. And I highly doubt you're an unlikable female protagonist. Although the other day, for fun, I read one star reviews of my favorite book, so some people just want to complain about everything.

  13. It's cracking me up that you say you should have Googled unlikable female characters to find yourself in books. Too funny! (I'm a disorganized mess and a disaster too, so I can relate to that one.)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  14. Oh my gosh Bad Girls With Perfect Faces- that book was so awesome, and Sasha was cool. Grit was awesome too, and she has a new book coming out super soon- I can't wait, it sounds kinda creepy. :)

  15. I haven't read grit but now I really REALLY want to! And yes I'm a destroyer of things too, my parents always say I'd break iron! Love Lauren Oliver.

  16. An interesting selection of characters. This list is of some interest. I like reading your posts about books, but not with all I agree. Thanks for the nice review.

  17. What a fantastic list of ME characters! I love how you highlighted their unique traits and experiences. It's always inspiring to see diverse representation in literature. Thank you for sharing your insights and encouraging us to explore these amazing stories.

  18. Nice post. Thank you to provide us this useful information.
