Date Me
(Keatyn Chronicles #3)
Release Date: April 9, 2013
I’m not scripting my life anymore.
I’m living it.
I’m done with the God of all Hotties.
I’m going to give my heart to the boy who I think deserves it.
The boy whose kisses are hotter than molten lava.
The boy who offered me the key to his heart.
The boy who asked me to Homecoming in a big, sexy way.
There are so many things to look forward to.
Parties at the Cave. Homecoming festivities. Drama Tryouts. Shopping trips to NY.
But things aren’t always as perfect as they seem.
I find out that my best friend has been keeping a secret from me.
Not that I can blame him.
I have secrets too.
But, for now, I’m going to pretend I’m just a normal girl.
I’m going to pretend he’s not still out there.
I’m going to pretend he’s not getting desperate.
I’m going to pretend I’ll never see him again.
But, I will.
And this time, I might not get away.

Kiss Me
(Keatyn Chronicles #2)
I’ve always written scripts for my perfect life.
(Keatyn Chronicles #2)
I’ve always written scripts for my perfect life.
But no way could I have ever scripted this.
My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny.
All because of a stalker.
I’m at a boarding school, where I have to lie about who I am.
I can’t see my family.
I’m tutoring a hottie god that tortures me with his smile.
The most popular girl already hates me.
But there’s this boy.
This hot, sweet, sexy boy.
So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it.
Because who knows how long I have left.
My Thoughts:
These books are total guilty pleasure books. I mean that in a good way. They're full of drama and teenage-angst.... oh yeah and BOYS!!!
So book 2 starts off the day after book 1 leaves off. Keatyn is at her boarding school and assuming a new life. There are tons of fun new characters introduced... and some that need smacked (pretty much like RiAnne and Vanessa did in book 1). If you thought there were a lot of boys to choose from in book 1... well Kiss Me has that beat. We've got: Aiden, Dawson, Dallas, Riley... it goes on. This series is definitely good for HOT guys and Keatyn not being able to make up her mind (or when she does make up her mind, she backpedals the next minute).
What I've learned from reading Stalk Me and Kiss Me: Keatyn WILL boy-jump and Ms. Dodd likes to cliff-hang! So now I'll have to read Date Me... but that's ok because it just came out :)
After reading this book, I *think* I'm team Dawson... friend-love is sweet. But it's hard to commit in a series where sweetheart guys go from awesome to douche in less than a page (*cough Brooklyn *cough). So once again I'll have to read Date Me to really decide.
Overall: Total fun, high-school, guilty pleasure. This should be a series on The CW. It has all the right ingredients: Rich kids, nice clothes, DRAMA, boys, mean girls, cat fights, douchebags, and did I say BOYS? If you liked Stalk Me, this will not disappoint you! (Unless you got super attached to those characters in Stalk Me, because asides from Keatyn, they're pretty much out). I would recommend this book to anyone under 20.... it's definitely a younger read.
How I got this book: I was provided a free copy in exchange for this honest review
Date Published: 11/28/2012
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