Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday- 2017 YA Debuts I'm Excited For

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (January 3rd) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten 2017 YA Debuts I'm Excited For

  • I had really good luck with Debuts in 2016-- I basically spent the first half of the year obsessed with them.  So this year I have high hopes!!  Here are the ones that have caught my eye so far:

1.  One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus- Someone gets killed in detention!!  I mean, it's like The Breakfast Club, but with a killer!!

2.  After the Fall by Kate Hart- I love a complicated relationships book-- and THE COVER!

3.  The Hidden Memory of Objects by Danielle Mages Amato- I love that this book has a little bit of a supernatural/psychic element to it.

4.  Antisocial by Jillian Blake- I'm kind of a sucker for the "cautionary tale".

5.  The Disappearances by Emily Bain Murphy- The atmosphere of this book sounds amazing.  I'm super curious about it because it supposedly has a lot of literary references in it :)

6.  The Big F by Maggie Ann Martin- The cover is adorable-- and it's about a girl in community college.  I don't know if it's the actual fall semester or the summer after HS, but still: COLLEGE!!

7.  Grit by Gillian French- This book is SO "me".  It's about the "town slut"/reputations, a missing/possibly dead girl, secrets, mysteries-- basically everything I love.

8.  The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles- Another fantasy!!  WOOO!!  See how adventurous I'm getting- hahaha.  But this is one I've been wanting to read for almost a full year now.

9.  Of Jenny and the Aliens by Ryan Gebhart- Doesn't this just sound fun??  AND it's a book about the guy being in love/obsessed with the girl and her being like MEH.  I love that!!

10.  A List of Cages by Robin Roe- SO EXCITED TO READ THIS!!  It sounds totally emotional and meaningful and just so many feelings!!

What 2017 Debuts are you excited to read??

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  1. All of these sound so good!! I'm really excited about After the Fall and A List of Cages too. I don't know why I didn't add them to my list! One of Us is Lying sounds really intriguing too!

  2. Oh Grit is new to me and I must check it out now! One of us is Lying sounds so good. Great list!!

  3. A lot of these sound really good. I'm super excited about One of Us is Lying. Antisocial and The Hidden Memory of Objects both sound really good and are new to me. Totally adding them to the TBR. You know what I will not be adding, the alien one. If it wasn't about aliens I would be all about it but no, hard pass.

    1. Hahaha I thought of you immediately when I saw the alien book!!

  4. Oh, I just added After The Fall to my TBR. And One of Us is lying is sounding really good too. Great list!

  5. All of these sound great!! After the Fall especially! I hope you love all these. :)

  6. There are so many books on here that I want to check out! 2017 is looking to be exciting.

  7. One of Us Is Lying- love your description! So true- how can this not be good? lol that might be my top or one of my top anticipated reads of 2017 with a premise like that. After the Fall and Grit look good too. And Antisocial- love that tagline!

  8. I had such good luck with debuts in 2016, too! One of Us is Lying and both sound awesome and The Big F are new to me!!

    1. I hope debuts this year are as good as the ones I read last year!! I got high expectations now!

  9. I can't wait for After the Fall and A List of Cages! Great list, Michelle! :)

  10. Happy New Year, Michelle! I hope you love all of these. One Of Us Is Lying is on my wish list and it sounds fantastic!


  11. I've seen so many awesome reviews of A List of Cages and now I'm really excited to read it! :D

  12. Ahhh, LOVELY list! One of Us is lying in particular -- what a great cover that is! But really of these are great picks!

  13. I hadn't heard of The Disappearances! It sounds so interesting! I'll definitely be checking that one out :-D And I'm also really looking forward to One of Us is Lying and The Big F!

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