Guys, with the rise of social media, it means we have more access than ever to our favorite authors.
When I was growing up, authors were these mythological beings that I wasn't completely sure even existed IRL. I didn't know what most of them looked like, how old they were, or what any of them were really like. Now, we know so much.
When I first started book blogging, I made a Twitter account and realized that SO many of my fave authors were on there and that GASP they actually interacted with fans sometimes. I was amazed and so grateful. It was a dream come true.
The thing I learned though is that authors are people too.
When I love a book really hard, I tend to forget that the book ISN'T the person writing it. And by getting to see so many of these author's opinions and thoughts on Twitter-- sometimes my view of them gets tarnished a little bit.
I'm not saying it's THEIR fault that I put them up on a pedestal. But, it still makes me feel a little let down when they say something that I don't care for. Like I KNOW we're not friends, but for some reason, it's like a friend hurt my feelings??? I don't know, I just feel a way about it and I don't like that feeling.
That leads me to my question-- Do you read books by authors that do and say things you don't like??
If every time I disagreed with an author's thoughts on Twitter, I put them on my NO List, I wouldn't have very many books to read. And no, we don't always have to agree about things-- of course we aren't going to-- we all have a diverse set of opinions inside of us, and we all come from different backgrounds. BUT-- when do you draw the line?
Should I stop reading an author who I feel is acting immature and lashing out at fans? Should I stop reading an author who says things that I find vile? Should I stop reading an author that asks for money from fans? What if I go to a book event and wait in line and the author is rude to me? Should I stop reading at that point?
It's tough for me to see where my "line" is. I am very good at separating author from book now, but with all the time and energy that I put into promoting books-- do I want to spend that energy on someone who doesn't "deserve" it??
I know everyone has to figure this out for themselves. I know a ton of people that instant NO any author who doesn't vote in elections the way they want them to vote or support causes they want them to support. And a lot of people NO an author who has been called out for some type of problematic thing in their book.
I honestly don't know where my line is (besides, you know, stalking a blogger to their house-- that's a definite NO, NO, HELL NO for me).
I do know that I want to read beautiful books. And I DON'T want to hold authors to some unattainable standard. I also don't want them to be less accessible to fans. I really don't have answers.
So Tell Me:
What are your lines?
Wow, this is a difficult topic! I don't follow authors enough to have a good sense of their personal lives. I think things like who they vote for are things I would overlook. I think if an author is rude or immature on a continual basis, or has some beliefs that seriously contradict my morals, that might give me pause. But, if their personal lives don't carry over into their writing, would it be better to just separate the two? Great discussion!
ReplyDeleteI'm super good about separating the two-- and I like to think that people online aren't always how they come off. Tone is a hard thing to read and leads to a lot of misunderstandings?? But I'm still working through what exactly would be my hard NO'S-- besides the stalking thing (and there was another author who supported said stalker, so I don't read her books anymore either).
DeleteThat's a really good question! There are some authors who I disagree with on how they handle situations but I for the most part try to separate an author from their work. I have the most difficult time with this when it comes to comics because I know way too much about them!
ReplyDeleteOh my, I bet comics are hard for you to separate!! I'm pretty good about separating it in books. I guess I figure that as long as the attitude doesn't carry over into the books and they aren't like, pushing their agendas at me in the novel, I'm good with it?? But like, I definitely had at least one deal breaker.
DeleteThis is such a tough one!! I honestly don't pay too much attention to authors on twitter and any twitter drama. I am not sure where my line is but I get that author's are human and can make mistakes and say dumb shit too. So I guess I try to separate them too. Great discussion!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really hard question. And Twitter is for the birds right now-- completely icky IMO, so I'm trying to stay away as well :)
DeleteThis is a tough question, but really good. I try not to pay much attention to what my favorite authors post on twitter and other social media. But I have to say for the most part I don't care much about what they do in their private life. I read books and I love them anyways. I kind of feel the same thing can be said about actors. I love their work and not what they do in their private life. Yes I'm disappointed when they do or say bad things, specially when I love them so much. But I'm still going to see the movies they play in.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!! Actors can be the WORST, but I love movies and try to block it all out!
DeleteI don't follow that many authors on social media, so I haven't really had this problem. Not sure where my line would be. Honestly, if I were in the middle of a series that I was really enjoying, probably nothing would stop me. But aside from that, if they were disrespectful toward fans or disrespectful toward people in general and saying things I really didn't think were ok, then that would probably be the thing that would stop me from reading more of their books.
ReplyDeleteI feel like maybe I do it more for authors that I haven't read yet. If I've read and loved your books, chances are that I'll overlook a lot of BS.
DeleteI won't, because I don't want to support people I'm unconformable with. Money talks and walks.
ReplyDeleteYup. I agree you should spend your money on who you want to support.
DeleteI stay away from all the drama on twitter, but I have observed "authors behaving badly" in the past and I will admit it turned me off from wanting to read their books. Great post, Michelle. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm more likely to stay away from authors behaving badly that I've never read. But if I LOVE LOVE LOVE their books, it's SO HARD to not read more of them??? It's tough!!
DeleteAwesome topic, but such a hard question! I think I'll go with yes: I do read book by authors I don't agree with with, and just try to base my feelings on the book itself, not the author personally.
ReplyDeleteAmy @ A Magical World Of Words
Ohhhh Great topic! This is a difficult one.... Personally if I find something that an author says or does extremely offensive, then I won't continue reading from them because I don't want to support someone like that. If it's just something silly then I normally blow it off. Great post, Michelle!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great discussion! I'm not on Twitter much, but I usually hear about author/problematic book/stalking someone at their house drama eventually. If the author is calling out readers for bad reviews and being immature then it's usually a no for me. If they're offensive or just plain assholes and I hear about it I'm definitely less likely to read their book. Or at least purchase their book.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I guess people had much less of this problem before the internet? I guess, there were always rumors, but you know. Me... I don't know. I don't really mind a lot of what authors do, but if it's a problematic book, I probably won't be interested in it. Stalking a blogger though? :0 oh my god, that happened?
ReplyDeleteI personally wouldn't read an authors book if they were constantly harassing others, singular moments are easier to ignore, however who they voted on isn't really important to me. However, if they're using racial slurs or stalking bloggers, then I wouldn't even bother to pick the book up. There are thousands of books out there, and I would much rather support someone who's kind to others, as opposed to those who aren't.
ReplyDeleteFleur @ Fleur Henley
I'm having to think hard on this one. There's one author I can think of who is a bit of a jerk on Twitter but I still love her books. But I loved her books before I followed (then unfollowed) her on Twitter. Then I read one book by another author, followed her on Twitter, found out she was a jerk, and now I can't bring myself to finish her series. I'm afraid all I'll be able to think about is how hateful she is.