Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Welcome to the FFBC: All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

All the Wind in the World

by Samantha Mabry
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
Release Date: October 10th 2017
Genre: Young Adult, Fiction, Contemporary


Sarah Jacqueline Crow and James Holt work in the vast maguey fields that span the bone-dry Southwest, a thirsty, infinite land that is both seductive and fearsome. In this rough, transient landscape, Sarah Jac and James have fallen in love. They’re tough and brave, and they have big dreams. Soon they will save up enough money to go east. But until then, they keep their heads down, their muscles tensed, and above all, their love secret.

When a horrible accident forces Sarah Jac and James to start over on a new, possibly cursed ranch called the Real Marvelous, the delicate balance they’ve found begins to give way. And James and Sarah Jac will have to pay a frighteningly high price for their love.

Hello Samantha! We are super excited to talk to you about ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD and to have you in our FFBC tours.


Favorite Book?

Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Favorite TV show?


Favorite movie?

There Will Be Blood

Favorite Song?

“Magnolia Mountain” by Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

Favorite Food?

Birthday Aake

Name 3 fictional places you would move to in a heartbeat.

Fraggle Rock, Neverland, that house in The House of Leaves that people disappear into and some kind of monster lives in.

What were your favorite books growing up?

When I was in grade school, I was in love with The Baby-Sitters Club. It seems like I would go to the bookstore every couple of months, and there’d be a new addition to the series. In junior high and high school, though, I was a big fan of Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut was what “cool” people read, and I was quite desperate to be “cool.” Slaughterhouse-Five is still the best, though!

Favorite Quote?

“Fortune favors the bold,” which is a variation of a Latin proverb. I’m not typically a very bold person, so I have to remind myself of this a lot.

What are your fandoms?

Outlander. I would very much like to meet and hug Sam Heughan.

Name a recent book you read that you would recommend to our YA fans?

I’d recommend The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater. It’s nonfiction, which you don’t see all that much in YA. It’s about a hate crime, and tells the story from both sides. I think it’s really wonderful.


Could you tell our Book Addicts a little bit about ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD?

All the Wind in the World is a tricky romance set in far West Texas. A young couple –Sarah Jac and James –are forced to flee the ranch they work at and end up at another that may or may not be cursed. Dust storms, bee swarms, lying, and heartbreak ensues.

Can you tell us your favorite TV shows/movies that have touches of magic in them?

Well, there’s Outlander. But also there’s this show that was on FX with Tom Hardy called Taboo. I don’t know if it ever caught on, but I thought it was way cool. I also just generally like ghost hunting shows and think I’d be a really good addition to the cast of any of those.

What 3 hashtags would you most associate with your book series? (Could be a word or phrase or anything that would instantly make you think of ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD)

#romancedeathwestern  #bewarethebees #donttrustodette

Tell us your favorite quote from ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD.

“The stars in the night sky are overwhelming in number and in their random pattern. Some are glowing. Some are dim. Some are clustered, and others seem to stand apart. Someone has to be the first to point out how they all connect. Constellations aren’t obvious until the moment they are. Then you wonder how you hadn’t been able to see them before when the pictures are all so clearly there, telling a story.”

Is there a specific scene that you had the most fun to write?  Or which part was the most difficult to get through?

I had the most fun writing chapter eight, which is the beginning of the second section. It describes how the ranch the main characters live and work on in is basically going to hell in a hand basket. Food is getting scarce. People are acting weird and nervous and violent. A self-proclaimed prophet shows up and starts telling everyone that it’s just going to get worse, that there’ll be more plagues and pestilence because there’s a witch among them. That whole chapter is just a big list of things going wrong, which was fun to write.

If you had to pick one song to be the Theme Song for ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD– Which one would you pick?

“An Ocean Between the Waves” by the War on Drugs. It’s kind dark and spooky and frenetic.

Are there any recommendations you could give your readers to be in the “perfect mood” to read ALL THE WIND IN THE WORLD (specific music, snacks…)?

The setting of All the Wind in the World is very dusty and dry; everyone is always thirsty.  I don’t think anyone would want to be at the Real Marvelous ranch. So, instead of eating beef jerky, drinking warm water out of a tin cup, and standing outside while the wind blows dust in your face, maybe readers should just stay inside, in a nice air-conditioned room, and have some ice cream.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on a ghost story, about sisters in San Antonio and another story about bandits. Both are in very, very early, unfinished stages, though.

Thank you so much for everything, Samantha!

No problem!

I'm all for a ghost story!!  I'll be on the lookout for whatever that book is for sure!! And YES to The Babysitter's Club!!  I always get excited when authors were fans of the same books I was reading as a kid!!

Samantha Mabry grew up in Texas playing bass guitar along to vinyl records, writing fan letters to rock stars, and reading big, big books, and credits her tendency toward magical thinking to her Grandmother Garcia, who would wash money in the kitchen sink to rinse off any bad spirits. She teaches writing and Latino literature at a community college in Dallas, Texas, where she lives with her husband, a historian, and her pets, including a cat named Mouse.

She is the author of the novels A Fierce and Subtle Poison and All the Wind in the World. Visit her online at or on Twitter: @samanthamabry.

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