Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday-- I'm NOT DNFing These Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme now hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (June 5th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Books I Want To Go Back To

  • Sometimes when I DNF a book I mean to DNF it because I'm not enjoying it.  But then there are other times when I get DISTRACTED or I'm not in the MOOD for a book, and those times I do not mean to DNF.  Those are the times I am meaning to go back to that book.  Here are 10 books that I've started and then set aside, but really do want to go back and finish:

1.  Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer

  • This is one book that WEIGHS on my mind.  I love this series so much & ran out and bought this book the day it was released.  I started reading it while I was in the car on the ride home-- that's how excited I was!!-- but then it started out a little crazy, and I kept looking at how thick it was.  I decided to put it aside and read something else and I still haven't gone back to it.

2.  Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson

  • I started reading this book around Prom season one year, but got distracted by something new and shiny-- but I love Laurie and still want to read all her books (including this one).

3.  Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

  • I think I just wasn't in the mood for this type of book when I started it.  And also, I just wasn't feeling this Sloane girl at all.  So I decided to come back to it-- and I will!!

4.  Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

  • I love a good Dystopian/Post Apocalyptic-- but this one alternated between super interesting and downright boooorrrrring.  I'd like to try it now that I've been in more of an Adult book mood.

5.  Lair of Dreams (The Diviners #2) by Libba Bray

  • This is another series FAIL for me.  I was SO excited about this book-- but when I started it, it was NOTHING like the first book.  I was expecting serial killers and mysteries and I just wasn't getting that.  Plus, this is also a MASSIVE book and those ones are more likely to intimidate me.

6.  The Dazzling Heights (The Thousandth Floor #2) by Katharine McGee

  • I read about half of this and I WILL read the rest before the last book comes out.

7.  738 Days by Stacey Kade

  • I am SUCH a huge Stacey Kade fan!!  And the beginning of this book is fabulous!!!  Actually, I don't really know how this became a book that I didn't finish.

8.  Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner

  • This book didn't grab me like I thought it would-- it also didn't help that this was one of the first books I tried to read after ALA when I had a giant pile of new stuff calling to me.

9.  Lucky Girl by Amanda Maciel

  • I LOVED this author's first book, and I WILL finish this book.  I started reading it one night but had to read other stuff that I promised for review and library, so I never finished.

10.  Illuminae (#1) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

  • I basically did read this whole book because I read like 75% and then I read the ending... but I still kind of feel like I need to actually READ read it.

So, which of these books would you recommend me picking back up first??


  1. Well at least with Illuminae you're sort of already familiar with it, so it should go quick if you read/ reread it right? Ha ha. The Thousandth Floor series has me REALLY curious. And Station eleven seemed like it would be boring when I read an excerpt, so I never did read it. Maybe one of these days..

    Great list!

  2. You really should finish Winter! It's a great ending. And of course you need to read Illuminae completely. It's all kinds of excellent. Sad you didn't finish Goodbye Days though. I really enjoyed that one.

  3. Great list! To be honest, as much as I love The Lunar Chronicles, I got the feeling that, even at 800 pages, the ending was a little rushed and not as smooth as it could have been. I got the feeling that there maybe needed to be another book because Marissa Meyer was trying to fit all of Winter's story into a book that already had to wrap up everyone else's interweaving stories, so I'm not surprised you couldn't get into it! I think it is worth it to finish the series, but in my opinion it could have been a better book.

  4. I'm still at Cress in the Lunar chronicles but I wantto read it so much. Need to find a time for it. Great list.

    My TTT: https://fantasyraiders.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-shouldhave-dnf-ed/

  5. Oh get to Winter! I loved it. I listened though. Since You've Been Gone was another from your list I loved. Station Eleven i liked but didn't love. Goodbye Days was good too. Hope you get back to these and love them!

  6. I have this problem too! I thought it was just me! when you pick up a book, start reading and then realise that you are not really in the mood for this book right now. I end up piling them on a shelf and sometimes they stay there for years. I just got through the pile though so I feel a little more decluttered now. Great list!
    Here's my list: https://racheleanne.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/top-ten-tuesday-05-06-2018/

  7. ugh station eleven was one of those books that everyone raved about and i found just sort of bland by the end of it. it had SO MUCH promise but it didn't wow me... so i definitely wouldn't rec that one. :D

  8. I've listened to the Diviners series on audio and the production is awesome. The sequels are different but they are all great. Plus, the sequel introduces Ling, one of my favorite characters from the series.

  9. I liked The Dazzling Heights. McGee took some of the characters in a great direction and I think she upped the futuristic game too. The Illuminae Files is one of my fave series. I am sad it's over. Goodbye Days was good. It didn't impact me the way TSK did, but I really liked it. It's sad though. I thought Since You've Been Gone was great, but Matson needs to stop writing these overly long contemporaries. Seriously. I just came across Prom and was shocked that Anderson wrote a book like that. Reviews were scathing, which turned me off, but I am still sort of intrigued, because it's just now what I have grown to expect from her.

  10. I really liked Cinder and Scarlett, but didn't like Cress or Winter (and I'm retty sure that puts me in the minority too, because everyone I've seen says the series gets better *shrugs*)

    1. Cinder was BY FAR my favorite-- although if we're counting Fairest, then that is my fave. I didn't love Scarlett and Cress was better, but not as good as Cinder. I need to finish the series just so I can say that I did and so that I know what happens (although I'm pretty sure I can guess).

  11. I couldn't get into Since You've Been Gone as well.

  12. I still need to read Winter, but I am definitely planning to do that this summer. I think it's size puts me off too, only because those take longer to read and I'm always reading all sorts of other books. LOL I have the graphic novels though and I want to finish Winter before I read those, so I need to get on it!! I really loved Illuminae. I want to re-read those first two so I can finally read the third one. I think with the style, it's a fairly quick read - despite it's size! Lair of Dreams is very different from the first book, but I ended up really enjoying it, so I hope you do too. I need to read the third one still. Goodbye Days is the only book by the author I've read but I really liked it; it's an emotional one though.


    1. I have the graphic novels too & I was worried if I read them it would be spoilery for Winter and then I'd never want to read Winter. I've heard only really good things about Lair of Dreams, but it had such a different feel from the first Diviners book, that I was just shook.

  13. I'm easily distracted by other books as well, so I hear ya on this topic. Happy reading!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  14. I can definitely understand your feelings on Winter, I want to finish TLC, but I am intimidated at the sheer size of Winter!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/top-ten-tuesday-162/

  15. I know what you mean about Since You've Been Gone. It took me a while to get into. I promise Winter is worth it though. Great list!

  16. Station Eleven is definitely a slow burn, but I ended up loving it...I hope you do too when you get back to it!

  17. I really want to read Since You've Been Gone, but every time I look at it, it seems to get longer. I need to really be in the mood for a long contemporary. Good luck with all these!

  18. I am reading Illuminae right now for the first time-so that's my first choice, then it would be Winter-I want to read that series!


  19. I'm currently reading Since You've Been Gone and I understand why you put it done. I'm only on page 92 but I'm slightly bored with it and Sloane is making me slightly angry. I applaud you though! I feel like every time I set down a book because I'm not in the mood for it, I find myself never picking the book back up again xD

    Amber @ Escape Life in the Pages

  20. I like your spin on this weeks theme! I agree with you on Winter. I was so intimidated by it for some reason and started it but haven't picked it back up yet. I hope you enjoy the other books when/if you pick them back up! Great list!

  21. Oooh! I really hope you get back to Winter soon! That's such a fantastic series ender!

  22. Winter is great! It is super long, though, so I completely understand why you put it down and didn't pick it up again. Hopefully you'll get back to it soon!
