Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Seventeen-year-old Daphne Bowman, a bookish drama nerd in public school, might never have crossed paths with Oliver, the popular, outgoing mascot for his private school's football team, but one event has bound them inextricably. Daphne's older sister, Emily, and Oliver's older brother, Jason, who were high school sweethearts, committed suicide together seven years earlier.
When Daphne uncovers Emily and Jason's bucket list—a list comprised of their "Top Ten" places to visit before they die—she knows she has to tell someone. The one person who might actually get what she's going through and who might not think it's silly that she wants to complete the list, is also someone she's never spoken to—Oliver Pagano. Throwing caution to the wind, Daphne sends Oliver a Facebook message that will come to change the course of both of their senior years—and maybe their entire lives.
Tackling grief with a wry voice and an unflinching eye, So Glad to Meet You tells the story of two people who, in searching for what they've lost, end up finding what they never knew they needed—each other.
When Daphne uncovers Emily and Jason's bucket list—a list comprised of their "Top Ten" places to visit before they die—she knows she has to tell someone. The one person who might actually get what she's going through and who might not think it's silly that she wants to complete the list, is also someone she's never spoken to—Oliver Pagano. Throwing caution to the wind, Daphne sends Oliver a Facebook message that will come to change the course of both of their senior years—and maybe their entire lives.
Tackling grief with a wry voice and an unflinching eye, So Glad to Meet You tells the story of two people who, in searching for what they've lost, end up finding what they never knew they needed—each other.
Hi Lisa!! We’re so excited to have your book in our FFBC Tours, and can’t wait to ask you a couple of questions about your debut book, SO GLAD TO MEET YOU!
Thank you so much for having me, Michelle!
Favorite Book?
UNACCUSTOMED EARTH by Jumpha Lahiri. I still think about the last line of that book on a weekly basis. I’m haunted.
Favorite TV show?
I’m terrible at limitation. ☺ Current faves: Jane the Virgin, Silicon Valley, Atlanta (FX is killing it). Past faves: The Shield, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, My So-Called Life
Favorite movie?
Amelie or L.A. Confidential. You can tell what kind of day I’m having by how I answer this question. Let’s go with Amelie today.
Favorite Song?
Currently, “Shades of Marble” by Trentemoller. It’s the best writing song. I can listen to it over and over, and it’s both calming and energizing.
Favorite Food?
Anything in a bowl with noodles or rice.
Name 3 fictional places you would move to in a heartbeat.
Sugar Rush from WRECK-IT RALPH, the North Pole from ELF (talking narwhals!), and Hogwarts, of course.
What were your favorite books growing up?
MATILDA and THE VIEW FROM THE CHERRY TREE. I was also trash for the NIGHTMARE HALL series by Diane Hoh and anything by Christopher Pike.
Favorite Quote?
“It was a wilderness of mirrors out there.” –Ward S. Just
What do you find yourself “Fangirling” over?
Serena Williams! She is a warrior goddess. She’s almost died TWICE, had a child, and is still at the top of her game. So much love and respect for her.
What recent book would you recommend to our YA fans?
One that’s flying under the radar is Ingrid Palmer’s debut, ALL OUT OF PRETTY. It’s a gritty contemporary perfect for fans of GIRL IN PIECES.
Could you tell our Book Addicts a little bit about SO GLAD TO MEET YOU?
Daphne and Oliver, seniors on opposite ends of the bell curve, go on a quest across Los Angeles to fulfill a To-Do List written by their older siblings before they committed suicide together. Along the way, they gain a newfound understanding of the siblings they lost, and their own connection changes them forever. Told in dual POV, there’s adventure, pining, confusion, and kissing!
What 3 hashtags would you most associate with your book? (Could be a word or phrase or anything that would instantly make you think of SO GLAD TO MEET YOU.)
#makeyouradventure #topten #fornowisnow
Tell us your favorite quote from SO GLAD TO MEET YOU.
“…the people who owed her the most had no idea how much they’d borrowed.”
Name 3 things/places that you would put on your bucket list.
The Himalayas (no climbing Mt. Everest, though, I’ll stick to reading INTO THIN AIR), Machu Picchu, and Croatia.
If you had to pick one song to be the Theme Song for SO GLAD TO MEET YOU– Which one would you pick?
“Angeles” by Elliott Smith, although the song is much sadder than the tone of the book. Elliott and his music play a significant role with Daphne and Oliver, and his lyrics lent me the title “So Glad to Meet You.”
Are there any recommendations you could give your readers to be in the “perfect mood” to read SO GLAD TO MEET YOU (specific music, snacks…)?
Make some of Daphne and Janine’s “Pity Popcorn.” Stir in a little sriracha with the melted butter before pouring over the popcorn and follow up with some parmesan (or nutritional yeast if you don’t do dairy).
What’s next for you?
I’m currently writing what I hope will be my second book. I’m pitching it as Rebecca Black meets SIMON VS. THE HOMOSAPIENS AGENDA.
Thanks so much for chatting with us!! I was devastated when My So-Called Life was cancelled (Joran Catalano forevs) and MATILDA, NIGHTMARE HALL, & Christopher Pike had a huge impact on my reading life growing up!! 90's girls unite!!
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