Top Ten Backlist Books I Want To Read
- Happy Election Day to everyone here in the US. I know politics have gotten CRAZY these days, but it is the right of ANY/ALL registered voters to vote and let your voice be heard-- so go forth and throw your vote down.
- This is one of my fave topics!! I super love talking about backlist books. In blogging, we get SO tied up in what's new and what's coming out, that we rarely take to time to look back at all the awesome books that have been sitting there waiting for us for a TIME.
- Here are the backlist books I'd really like to read ASAP-- and a poll for you to make me read one of them:
1. First & Then by Emma Mills
- Emma Mills has become one of my FAVES of all FAVES. I don't even like cute, romancey books that much (usually), but her books are just too good and pure for me to not fall in love with. I must read her debut pronto!!
2. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler
- I don't know why this is on my TBR still. I own it and Sarah Ockler is probably in my top 3 of all-time favorite authors. I've been anxiously awaiting news of a new book from her, but here I sit NOT reading her most recent release???
3. The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson
- This is another fave author and another reading fail. I love Laurie's YA books. SPEAK was what got me into reading YA to begin with. Now that it's almost winter, this cover is kinda calling to me.
4. In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters
- I recently bought this at a book sale, but I've been wanting to read it for ages. I've actually never read ANYTHING by this author yet, but I'm interested in the historical aspect of this book.
5. What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
- Seriously. This is another author that I am like "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR NEW BOOK?????" and I still haven't read this.
6. Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here by Anna Breslaw
- I got this for Christmas last year and it just sounds like something cute and quirky. I remember hearing really good things about it when it came out.
7. Delirium (#1) by Lauren Oliver
- I am a Lauren Oliver superfan who has never read her most popular series..... I know. It's just I was kinda scared after the 3rd book came out and everyone got mad at the series in general. But now I'm thinking I really should read this.
8. Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn
- Oh how I love Stephanie Kuehn. She writes books that scare me in a really creeped out way and I love it.
9. Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis
- Remember when this book was everywhere?? Well, I wasn't in the mood for Dystopian then, but I'm definitely in the mood for it now.
10. My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
- One of my BFFs has been wanting me to read this for a LONG time. I think it's time I do it because it does sound like a horror I would love.
So, in honor of Election Day, I have my own poll for you. Vote for which Backlist Book I should bump to the front of my list! Even if you haven't read the book-- vote for the cover that catches your eye, vote for the book you've heard good things about. Vote, Vote, Vote.

I voted Delirium because Lauren Oliver!! I need to read it too. And Not A Drop To Drink- oh wow I remember when that book was EVERYWHERE. So true. I do kinda want to read it now lol.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I really enjoyed Delirium, but I'd recommend reading it as a standalone - I don't think it needed to be a trilogy at all. Cat Winters is an author I'd really like to check out, too. :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of these, but I like the sound of The Summer of Chasing Mermaids. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteI really want to read The Summer of Chasing Mermaids - it sounds so good! I recently bought the entire Delirium trilogy from a charity store for a really good price. I hope I enjoy it haha! XD
ReplyDeleteMy TTT post!
I still have to read First & Then, What I Thought Was True and Scarlett Epstein as well!
ReplyDeleteI really want to read My Best Friend's Exorcism. I should have picked it up last October, but didn't get a chance. Maybe next year. Good luck with picking up all these!
ReplyDeleteGah so I've only read two of these - FIRST & THEN and SUMMER OF CHASING MERMAIDS and honestly I LOVEDDDDDD F&T so much (and really didn't like MERMAIDS).
ReplyDeleteI picked First & Then, because it's a backlist book I have to read too. I think I have had it for at least a year. I am the worst! I bought What I thought Was True and need to read that one too. I read both Delirium and Mermaids; both were good. I was a little disappointed in the way the Delirium series ended, but it was good.
ReplyDeleteFirst & Then is so adorable! I didn't really care for Delirium.
ReplyDeleteI loved Not A Drop To Drink. I need to read In The Shadow Of Blackbirds, too. I’ve heard good things about it. I hope you enjoy all these!
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I could have put a lot of these books on my own list. I want to read First & Then, Summer of Chasing Mermaids, and What I Thought Was True. I voted for Delirium, but Not a Drop to Drink was a great read too!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I need to read First & Then also!
ReplyDeleteI read Delirium and enjoyed that book, but the rest of the series was so-so for me. I didn't like the second one so I never read the third, and I had a friend that told me not to bother if I didn't care that much about it. It's crazy!
Most of these are new to me! I guess that's one of the interesting things about backlist books, what one person has heard about for years might be entirely new to somebody else. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad, there are so many books I wanted to vote for you to read and I could only pick one haha. This is a great list! I loved First and Then, such a good read, and The Summer of Chasing Mermaids is one of my favorite reads ever <3 Delirium will always be the book that made me fall in love with Lauren Oliver, so I voted for that one :D
ReplyDeleteI've read a lot of these. I thought Delirium was great but that the second and third books sort of lost focus. Charm and Strange is really good, as is In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Hope you enjoy whatever you choose!
ReplyDeleteJen Ryland Reviews