Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Books I Haven't Talked About In A While

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (March 22nd) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Haven't Talked About In A While

1.  The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

  • I saw the movie first and then read the book.... although I liked the movie a lot, the book was just beautiful.  So sad and beautiful.

2.  Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr

  • Now here's a book I haven't talked about in FOREVER!!  I read this maybe 6 or 7 years ago, but it was one of those powerful YA books.  I remember being SO mad at what the M/C has to go through because of her "reputation".

3.  The Boyfriend List (#1) by E. Lockhart

  • Instant E. Lockhart fan from the first chapter of this book!!  Ruby Oliver is SO my girl.  I love her voice, I love her humor, I love her lists, and I love her crazy.

4.  This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers

  • Zombies!!  This book features zombies like I've never seen them featured... as a backdrop and not necessarily the main thing going on.  I didn't quite "get" Sloane (I don't really think I was supposed to), but she became very memorable to me.

5.  My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

  • What a sweet, cute, perfectly written YA Contemporary!!  I will always read everything that Ms. Fitzpatrick writes forever ever because of the way her books come to life for me.

6.  Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler

  • Twenty Boy Summer was the first Sarah Ockler that I read, but THIS book was the one that solidified my love for her work.  This book had everything- family issues, money probs., secrets, romance, friend problems, adorable little brothers-- Mr. Napkins 4ever!!

7.  Nothing Like You by Lauren Strasnick

  • Lauren Strasnick is one of those super-secret authors that I wish was more well-known.  She's super talented at telling stories about girls that don't (and won't) fit into anyone's expectations.

8.  Confessions of an Angry Girl (#1) by Louise Rozett

  • This series is so good and I hope it continues on!!  I love Rose.  I love that sometimes she can't control her anger, I love that sometimes she overshares and ends up looking ridiculous most of the time, I love that this book has a strong family storyline (no absentee parent in this book).  I only wish that more people would give these books a shot.  And that I could find more books that make me feel the way this one did.

9.  Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican

  • I haven't talked about this one in quite a while.  It's one of the oddest, yet addicting books I've read.  I loved the characters and the setting and the feeling of this book.

10.  Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo

  • This book was a super-surprise for me because the subject matter should have immediately turned me off.  The ages of the couple alone should have made me close this book.  I didn't close the book though.  I could not put it down.  I laughed and cried and felt so many emotions.  I would definitely want to read more from this author.

These are some of my well-loved books that I haven't talked about longer than I would like.   I love finding great backlisted books, so I can't wait to see which books you guys have on your lists!

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  1. Nice picks for this week! I haven't read any of the books on your list... I'll have to expand my reading horizons!!

    Here's a link to my TTT for this week:

  2. These all sound so lovely, need to check them out!! xx

  3. I loved The Time Traveler's Wife! You have a bunch others that are on my TBR - Brutal Youth, My Life Next Door and Bittersweet. Great list!!

  4. This Is Not A Test sounds really good, and I recognized the name Courtney Summers I think because of her latest book. Haven't heard of this one but it sounds fun!

  5. Oh my gosh THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE!!!! *cries just thinking about it* A YAish version would be The Love that Split the World (have you read that one? similar in terms of romance). Your list is great... I also enjoyed that Sara Zarr book when I first read it :)

  6. My Life Next Door has been on my TBR for awhile. Lots of people rave about it!

  7. I have been wanting to give This is Not a Test a shot! I think I need to go find it on Amazon and finally do that :p

    My TTT.

  8. Yey! The Time Travelers Wife! I love that one. I saw that on another blog today as well. Woo hoo! :)

  9. The Time Traveler's Wife is so great - I actually read it before I saw the movie....I was pretty disappointed in the movie. I wouldn't say no to a remake. :)

    Check out my TTT.

  10. I've been meaning to read This Is Not A Test for the longest time! Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  11. Great picks - Sara Zarr and Courtney Summers are two of my auto-buy authors!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  12. I really enjoyed My Life Next Door too!! And I've heard great things about This is Not a Test...

    My TTT.

  13. I saw Brutal Youth when it was first released and then forgot all about it. You make me want to grab a copy - maybe I will check out the library! Great list.

    1. Yay, you so should!! I loved how different that book was.

  14. I loved My Life Next Door! And I really enjoyed Confessions of an Angry Girl back when I read it! I haven't read Time Traveler's Wife but I did love the movie :D

  15. I loooved The Time Traveler's Wife. Love love loved. It's so heartbreaking and tragic and beautiful, and I can still remember where I was when I read it and how I felt. It's one of those books I'd like to reread but I'm not sure if I ever could. I did like the movie, I thought it did a pretty good job and the cast was wonderful.

    1. LOVE Rachel McAdams!! Anything she does is good for me :)

  16. I really enjoyed This Is Not a Test too. I really need to reread it and review it on the blog. Nice list!

  17. Fantastic list Michelle. I need to read some more of these authors.

  18. This is Not a Test is fantastic!! The rest of these are new to me though, so thanks for sharing!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  19. AHhhh I love My Life Next Door too!!! I never talk about it enough....but adfjadlks it's gorgeous and cute and SO SHIPPABLE. ;D And I'm really hard to please when it comes to contemporaries too, but that one was like top marks!!

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

  20. Me and Earl is one of my faves for sure :)

  21. I haven't read any of these books except My Life Next Door, but I really liked that one. I should reread it at some point though because I don't remember much except for how much I liked the Garretts as a family. Whoops. And I'm definitely adding The Boyfriend List to my TBR. Anything featuring lists is pretty much made for me. :)

  22. I liked Confessions of an Angry Girl and Love and Other Perishable Items too! Nice list!

  23. I remember when Brutal Youth cme out - it looked very intriguing but I'd kind of forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder! The Time Traveler's Wife is a lovely book but I haven't seen the movie. I can't imagine the book translating well to movie so it's good to hear that it's pretty good if not quite as good as the book. Happy reading!
