Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday- Series I Want to Start

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (March 4th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic Is:

Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't Yet


Honorable Mentions:
Alice in Zombieland
Lunar Chronicles
The Raven Boys
Under the Never Sky
Pivot Point

So what series made your lists?? 


  1. Read a sample of Gallagher Girls. I liked it!

  2. The Obsidian Series is AMAZING and I'm currently starting Catching Jordan and co-hosting a read-along! :D

  3. Great list! I can't wait to read I Hunt Killers soon!

  4. I loved I Hunt Killer and I can't wait for the next book to come out! Hex Hall was actually a really good series, and really funny!

  5. Good list.I love Gallaghers Girls, Hex Hall and Uglies series. I also want to read I Hunt Killers

  6. The Hex Hall series is really good! I need to finish The Liar Society series!

  7. I also really need to start the Lux series! I've read Hex Hall and Uglies and they're pretty amazing! I hope you get to them soon!

    My TTT

  8. Ohhh I can't believe I forgot Miranda Kenneally on my list! So many bloggers love and adore her books, and I always mean to pick them up...but just haven't gotten there yet. Great picks! Obsidian and I Hunt Killers are high on my list to get to eventually (though only Obsidian was put on my actual list...); and while i haven't finished the Uglies series yet, I have read the first three and they're fantastic!

  9. Half of these are on my list, too. Not my actual list, but my mental list. Good choices! Deadly Cool, I Hunt Killers, and Hex Hall are all some I've been meaning to get to.

  10. I liked Hex Hall :)! And I've heard great things about I hunt killers.

    Nice list.
    Top 10 Tuesday - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  11. Ohhh you have to start Lux, that is like my favorite ever! Great list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  12. I've read Hex Hall (the first book) and the first book in the Liar Society series. See, I have first book syndrome. I always read the first book & have a hard time finish the series. Gosh, I def. need to work on that.

    J'adore Happy Endings

  13. I've only read one of these series all the way through and that was Uglies. Good series, although it's not my favorite one. I just recently read the first book in the Gallagher Girls series and it was so fun that I'll definitely be reading the others.

    Glad to have found you via TTT!

  14. I've read Hex Hall and I Hunt Killers and I highly recommend them both! Hex Hall had a bit of a disappointing ending but was still well worth the read.
    Good luck getting some of these knocked out! My Top Ten Tuesday!

  15. Catching Jordan and Gallager Girls are really good series! I really liked both of them. The others I have yet to read as well.

  16. Hex Hall is awesome! Thanks for checking my TTT :)

  17. I want to start the Lunar Chronicles, Hundred Oaks, and Alice in Zombieland series also.

  18. GALLAGHER GIRLS!!!!! I LOVE that series! You should definitely try it out. Ally Carter is a genius. :) Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

  19. GALLAGHER! Gosh, I love that series. They drag just a teensy bit in the second and third books, but WOW, the fourth and fifth are incredible. Also, I Hunt Killers rocked my socks.

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2013/03/top-10-tuesday-series-id-like-to-start.html

  20. Gallagher, Liar Society and He's So/She's So are all on my TBR, though they didn't make it to my top 10 :|
    Top 10 Tuesdays

  21. Hex Hall and Lux are great series! I want to read the Gallagher Girls one of these days. I need to finish the Uglies series and Hundred Oaks is also on my list. Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  22. I really want to read the Uglies series i've heard its great.
    Old follower :)
    thanks for stopping by my TTT post <3

  23. I really want to read Ally Carter sometime, though I want to try her Heist Society series first. Gregg Olsen's Empty Coffin series has the coolest covers (LOVE the cover for Envy) but I'm on the fence about whether or not I want to take the time to try it since it didn't receive that great of a rating on Goodreads.

  24. Lux is on my list too. and i should have put envy on mine too.. i have it on my shelf but haven't read it yet, what a shame! thanks for checking out my list earlier! - Katie @ Inkk

  25. Gallagher Girls is such a great series! If you like audio books I couldn't recommend them enough! They are just so good!

    Thanks for stoppin by!

  26. I have a soft spot for boxed sets and tend to buy a lot of them. It's a reason why I've gotten into a lot of series.

    I really enjoyed the Gallagher Girls. Spies are so very cool. And the Uglies is a series I've heard a lot about but never managed to read. It looks great.
    Fantastic list :)
