Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Valentine Freebie

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (February 9th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten YA Couples That Could've Been

  • I'm usually a black sheep on the couples that I root for.  Seriously, it happens a lot.  These are the couples that never were (or probably never will be), but that I would've been happy to see happen:

1.  Lois & Devin from Lois Lane Fallout (#1) by Gwenda Bond- I know Lois is all about Superman... but I would've been okay with a "more than friends" thing with Devin.

2.  Riley & Reid from Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys) by Amy Spalding- While it was really refreshing to see a boy/girl friendship that didn't have to progress into a romance, I couldn't help but have a thing for these 2 in the back of my mind :)

3.  Blue & Adam from The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater- I know this couple isn't going to ever happen... and I know that it's an unpopular OTP.... but I like them together damn it!!

4.  Kitty & Knox from Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion #1) by Aimee Carter- Although 99% of the time I wanted to knock Kitty in the head during this series, I still think that Knox is a much better option than (yuck) Benjy.  Just the name Benjy is a NO.

5.  Sophronia & Soap from Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School #1) by Gail Carriger- I haven't read past book 1, so I have no idea where the romance aspects in the series goes, but this is one I could get behind.

6.  Cinder & Thorne from Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer- In the 2nd book of this series, I really felt chemistry between these 2.  I know that he's set up to be with Cress and that she's supposed to be with Kai.... but I just LIKE them together.

7.  Kat & Alex from Burn for Burn (series) by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian- So this couple just sort of fell by the wayside as the series went along.  I really felt like SOMETHING was going to happen with them and BLAH.

8.  Evie & Sam from The Diviners by Libba Bray- I haven't read Book 2 yet, and there are still more books to come after that, so you never know... but I felt like there was the immediate flirting thing going on with them.... and then nothing.  I'd be cool with them getting together because they seem very similar personalities.

9.  Ashleigh & Mack from Thousand Words by Jennifer Brown- This romance wasn't needed by any means... but I would've been on board if it had happened.

10.  Mara & Jamie from Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin- After finishing the series, I quickly jumped off the Mara/Noah ship.  It's a NO for me.  Thinking back, if I went back to the beginning, a Jamie/Mara romance could have worked.

Those are my favorite couples that didn't happen :(  What topics did you guys pick for this Valentine Freebie?

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  1. Cinder and Thorne!! Yes!! I think they would have made such a better couple!!

  2. I love this. Particularly Evie and Sam. I love their banter (in book 2 as well). Cinder and Thorne are fun but I see them more as friends. As for Sophronia and Soap... read the rest of the books!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. I like your take on the topic! I still need to read the last book in the Finishing School series but I totally shipped Sophronia and Soap too! I did like Blue and Adam together at first but I also really love the idea of them having a good friend to lean on with each other.

  4. Hahahaha funny you have Cinder & Thorne on here because for a bit I thought it was going to go that way. I'm glad it ended up the way it did though.

  5. I could definitely see Cinder & Throne happening, I also really like the chemistry between Adam & Blue.
    If you are interested my TTT is here: http://powisamy.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-anti-valentines.html

  6. Cinder and Thorne! While I'm generally very happy with how their other ships sail, I was really intrigued by this idea. They had such a great chemistry and it could have been interesting! But, it's nice to see a legitimate platonic friendship between them too.

  7. Ha ha, this is a great approach to a Valentines post! I could see Cinder and Thorne too.

  8. I had to do a double-take before remembering Cinder and Thorne aren't an official couple! Their banter is fun, but Winter definitely sealed the deal on Cinder + Kai and Thorne + Cress for me.

  9. i just responded to your comment on my post asking you who you would ship in The Raven Boys if not Blue and Gansey but your post just answered my question! LOL. and i love Adam and i felt really bad for him that Blue is so into Gansey. Poor Adam kind of gets the short end of the stick in the series!
    Great TTT list this week! your topic was really creative!
    Emily @ www.rabbitholereviews.com
