Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday-- More Kissing

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (February 7th) I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic

Top Ten Books That I Wish Had More Kissing

  • I almost hate to write this post because I'm usually complaining that I want LESS romance in YA.  It's just one of my pet peeves when a book about a serious topic or a cool adventure has to force that romance in to SELL.  BUT-- on the other hand, I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few books that I'd like the romance kicked up a notch.  Because I do like to swoon sometimes (just not all the time).

1.  It's Not Me, It's You by Stephanie Kate Strohm- This is a cute, romancey book about relationships, so I wanted more of the kissing and the swooning.

2.  Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco- Can Audrey Rose and Thomas just get it on already?

3.  The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics- I thought this was a cool horror book-- not that I'm a horror expert or anything-- but I thought that maybe if a relationship was introduced, it could have made the book stronger?? 

4.  Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick- I wish Nanette and Alex would have kept progressing in their relationship because Nanette post-Alex was tough to take. 

5.  Underneath Everything by Marcy Beller Paul- I kind of love books about unhealthy friendships-- but I also really liked Hudson.  Couldn't we have had both?

6.  Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger- I hate to ask for anything more of this because I really like the book-- but I felt like there could have been something romantic going on with Sophronia and Soap.

7.  The Creeping by Alexandra Sirowy- There is a cute start of a romance in this book, but I loved the boy in it so much that I wanted MORE!!

8.  Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma- I like interesting books like this, but man, Chloe needed to have a romance BADLY.

9.  Harry Potter series by JK Rowling- I wish there was more kissing among couples of MY CHOOSING.  And less angsty, yuck relationships.

10.  Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver- Kent :(  Always want more kissing with Kent.

What did you want more or less of this week?

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  1. Before I Fall is one I need to read (especially with the movie coming). And It's Not Me It's You does look fun. :)

  2. Great list! I completely relate. On one hand I don't like when the romance overtakes the plot, but on the other hand I'm still a hopeless romantic so I still like some romance scenes in my books :) I guess it's all about balance.

  3. I think most books can benefit from more kissing! Imaginary Girls and Before I Fall certainly could've used a bit more. I'm really curious about the HP relationships of your choosing now...who are they??!! Luna and Neville should've gotten together.

    My Top Ten

    1. Haha maybe I'm crazy, but I've always shipped Harry and Luna! And Hermione and SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES RON.

  4. That's one the key things I hope for in books!


  5. I feel like I should read Before I Fall because isn't there a movie coming out? I think I am a little weary to read a Lauren Oliver book as I didn't get past book 1 of the Delirium series.

    Danica @ Shelves of Spines
    My Top 10

    1. Before I Fall is SO GOOD. I haven't read Delirium yet, but all her other books were faves of mine :)

  6. Oh man, we are total opposites this week. Not surprising to be honest. But I totally agree on the need for more romance and kissing in Stalking Jack the Ripper and Etiquette and Espionage.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  7. I am always a fan of more kissing :) Great topic and I still have to read so many on your list!

  8. I think I'm going to have to check out some of these books! :-)

  9. I would not have minded more kissing in Stalking Jack the Ripper either. I loved those two as a couple, but I suppose it's hard to do much kissing when you think the guy you like might be a killer. Great list!

    1. Truth!! I guess I didn't think about that-- but OMG they were a tad frustrating.

  10. We are literal total opposites this week, I did books I wanted less romance in!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/top-ten-tuesday-95/

  11. Hi! So great! What if Before I Fall had more kissing AND cupcakes? Swoon! Lol.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. *swoon* I'm all about more romance. (Provided it's not TOO much in the sense that it's unbelievable.) Definitely been curious about 'Jack Ripper.' Seems like I see that one everywhere! Gail's always interest me too! :)

    Thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland, Michelle.

  13. I always love more kissing! Have you read more of the Finishing School books? The romance definitely develops but I know what you mean because I love Sophronia and Soap! And yeah there is a surprising lack of kissing in the Harry Potter series in general considering they are teenagers. Personally I wanted more kissing in First & Then too, that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

  14. In the HP series, I still totally ship Harry and Draco. Or at least Harry and Luna. :)


  15. Oh, I SO wish Stalking Jack had more kissing between those two. They are ADORABLE and love their dynamic and banter.
