Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday- Things that make Blogging/Reading Easier

Top Ten Tuesday is a really cool original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week they post a new Top Ten List that bloggers join in on answering... and today (August 20th), I'm one of them :)

Today's Topic:

Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier

1.  Goodreads- so yeah Goodreads is pretty much a blogging savior.  It helps me keep track of what I read when I read it and it lets me figure out what upcoming books are going on my radar.  Not to mention Listopia!!  Love it!!

2.  Netgalley- Netgalley has definitely made getting advanced copies of review books SO much easier.  It's a great place to start and I've gotten some of my most anticipated books from it.

3.  eReader- Having a Nook from B&N makes it possible for me to participate in blog tours, read books from netgalley, and accept ARCs from publishers and authors.  My eyes would probably mutiny if I tried to read off my computer.

4.  Twitter- I was late to the Twitter party, but ever since I joined it I've loved it.  I can interact with authors and other bloggers and promote my blog!  Why was I so against it for so long??

5.  pixlr- This site is like Photoshop-Lite.  When I don't feel like waiting for Photoshop to load, or want to do something simple, I always use this user-friendly editor.

6.  Keeping a calendar- woah can you believe there was a time where I didn't keep a blogging calendar??  Well you better believe I do now and it's made my blogging life so much easier.

7.  Blog friends- Having blog friends is a great thing about blogging and without them I probably wouldn't do it anymore.  I can always count on my blog friends to comment and cheer me up when I'm in a slump.  LOVE THEM!

8.  Goodreads- Ok a repeat, but Goodreads is amazing enough to warrant it.  It is so nice to be able to keep track of what I read and when.

9.  Library- Love the library!!  It saves me so much money and the librarians at the libraries I frequent are awesome.  So much better than having to buy the hoards of books I want to read. 

10.  Keeping a Journal- Along with Goodreads, I also keep a journal of what I read.  I don't like to do spoilers on Goodreads or my blog, but since I read so many books, I sometimes forget what happens at the end of a story.  And that ticks me off.  So I started keeping plot outlines in a journal so I can easily recap myself when I'm feeling foggy.  (This especially comes in handy when I'm reading a series)

So you guys tell me...What things make your life as a reader/blogger easier??


  1. Goodreads is so essential! I agree...ereaders are helpful in organization and ease!

  2. I don't know how we book bloggers would EVER be able to survive without Goodreads! And NetGalley... eh, I have an on-and-off relationship with that guy. I try to stay away, honest, but it's SO HARD. Still, you just can't help but fall in love with him eventually. ;) Twitter! So much better than Facebook, in my opinion. It's definitely a must-have for bloggers.

  3. I don't think I could function without goodreads or my e-reader. They really make reading so much easier, especially for those times I can't stay from netgalley!

  4. The spoiler journal is a great idea. I did that last year, but have slacked since summer came about. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. These are great ideas! Have you noticed friends moving away from Goodreads? I've had a couple concerned about trolls and they ditched their accounts. I haven't really noticed but then I just flip through the discussions. Just wondering your thoughts because I too love Goodreads for keeping up with what I've read.

    1. I haven't noticed people leaving Goodreads... but I have been noticing that there seem to be a lot more weirdos on there requesting me as a friend and then trying to hit on me! I'm like hello!! I'm here for books not cybersex... what is wrong with these people? But I could NEVER leave Goodreads. It's made my reading life so organized and I could not give that up!
