Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

Nick and her sister Dara used to be as close as sisters could be.  But that was until the boy next door and a terrible accident got between them.  Now, even though they live together, they're completely separate, painstakingly moving around to avoid one another.  Nick was always the caretaker, always cleaning up Dara's messes and covering for her.  Dara was the whirlwind, causing mayhem and chaos wherever she went.  After the accident, they've both had to re-evaluate who they are.

When a young girl disappears, Nick is drawn to the mystery.  And when Dara disappears too, Nick can't help but feel they are linked in some way.

Another fab book from Lauren Oliver!!  I'm new to the Lauren Oliver party, but I can't get enough of this author's writing.  I find it so addicting and beautiful and easy.  There's nothing about her storytelling that I don't like.  I'm so happy I decided to read this book as I felt like I was going through a reading slump, and this pulled me right out of it.  I couldn't put it down.

Having said all that, there was something that I didn't like about it.  The twist.  I'm not going to be spoilery and tell you anything about the twist except that it's been pulled on me one too many times.  I knew right away what it was going to be, and I found it obvious.  Now, I can't tell if it was obvious because like I said, it's been done to me too much, or if it was obvious because Lauren Oliver was being Captain Obvious... but either way, I knew.  The thing is, that didn't detract me from having a great time reading the book and falling in love with the story because there were a lot of other things to find out.

My favorite part of the book: Parker.  The boy in the house the next street over was so adorable and lovable, and he was the reason I was so hooked on the book.  I really really wanted to know what would happen with him and whoever in the romance department.  Every time there was a scene with him in it, I had this ache in the pit of my stomach for the pain that teenage love is.

Dara was tough for me.  She's so frustrating at times, but I could totally relate to her as well.  As a person I tend to be that whirlwind tornado that loses things, breaks things, leaves messes, borrows and doesn't return... and not just with inanimate objects.  Not that I don't have good intentions, I just rarely ever have it together.  So while I felt bad for Nick for always having to be her sister's savior, I also know what it's like to be on the other side.  (Shoutout to my mom for always being my savior & cleaning up my messes, figuratively and otherwise... oh, and I'm sorry).  In a way, even though Dara sometimes made me want to hit the ceiling, she also held up a mirror to myself in how I've acted in the past.  It was a weird realization.

Can we talk about FanLand?  FanLand (proper name: Fantasy Land, which really does sound like a strip club), is this amusement park where Nick and Parker work for the summer.  I can't even explain how much I loved having FanLand in this book.  There's not a lot of old-school indie amusement parks left, but there's 2 of these in Pittsburgh; Kennywood and Idlewild (although both were bought by an amusement park corporation in recent years, the traditional feel of the parks remains).  FanLand reminded me of everything that's good about those places.  Thank you Lauren Oliver for picking such a cool place for Nick to work.  And for making her coworkers such oddball characters, I loved them.

As a bonus:  There were a bunch of pictures scattered throughout the book, and while interesting, I didn't really get what exactly they added to the story except to make it more real feeling?  It was something different if nothing else, but I could have taken or left them.  There are also tons of other media thrown in... emails, diary entries, patient files, online articles, police blotter, etc.  I loved what that brought to the book.  Those extra things made the book feel 10x more real than the pictures did.

So, should you read this book??  I would totally recommend.  It's a fun mystery even if you do figure out the twist, there's a few other question marks that will keep you reading, and the writing is very addicting.  It's sad without being a sobfest, it's haunting without being overly dramatic.  If you like Lauren Oliver, read this book!

OVERALL: A cool mystery that didn't exactly fool me on the twist.  Other than that, I loved everything else this book gave me.  It was beautifully written, full of interesting characters, a really cool setting, and so many issues.  I definitely recommend.

Quote: "Here's what nobody tells you: 90 percent of the time, when you fall in love, somebody gets burned." ~Dara

This Book Contains:
  • Sisters
  • Love
  • FanLand- an old-school amusement park
  • Divorce
  • Therapy sessions
  • Online articles- complete with user comments!
  • Diary entries
  • Drug use
  • Drinking
  • Pictures
  • The beach

My Rating: 3.5/4

Date Published: 3/10/2015
How I got this book: I bought it
Publisher: HarperCollins

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  1. I just read this the other week. I really enjoyed and love Lauren Oliver's writing. I loved Parker and all his parts too. FanLand was another aspect I loved. Love amusement parks in books! Great review!

  2. I just finished this book and I really liked it too! I actually was totally surprised with the twist, which doesn't always happen with me. This was a really great review!

  3. Also I totally agree about the pictures, and the other media!

  4. Lauren Oliver's writing is one of my favourites. It's so beautiful. Her stories are usually a hit or miss with me, but I absolutely loved Vanishing Girls. I loved Fanland, too! I was actually completely surprised by the twist. I haven't read a lot of books like this, though, so I had nothing to compare it to. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall. :)

    Sarah @ Kerosene Lit

    1. I'm glad the twist was a surprise for you!! I read a lot of contemporary and it seems to be a common twist in many of them that try to do some sort of big reveal. At least the ones I've been reading anyway. But even though I knew, I was still up in the air about lots of other things, so I enjoyed it.

  5. I really love Lauren Oliver books and I loved this book but like you I sort of knew the twist. I didn't see it coming but I have seen the twist before in other thriller books this year. I wonder if it just feels recycled as a whole. Great review though.

    1. I really think this twist is very hard to pull off anymore because it's just been done too much!! I really did love the book otherwise though. And I was glad that the twist was what it was and wasn't that Dara never existed at all. If that was the case I would've hit the fan!!

  6. This one didn't quite do it for me, in part because of twist which I also figured out fairly quickly too! I had a hard time with Dara as well but at the same time I was really intrigued! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think nothing has lived up to Delirium for me but I keep coming back to Lauren Oliver!!

    1. I still haven't read Delirium. I'm sort of nervous because I've loved all of L.O.'s contemp books and I don't know what I would think of her in something else! I definitely think I want to try it... maybe.... no, yes!!

  7. I'm intrigued by this book! I don't like predictable reads, but I'm intrigued enough to give this one a go!

    1. You should totally try it. It's a book that pulls you in!!

  8. I love Lauren Oliver!!! I can't wait to read it, I've heard only good reviews from it. Even my friends loved it, they have super high standards HAHA Parker ohmygosh! HAHAH Lovely review!

  9. This sounds like an okay read, but I still can't decide if it is one I want to read. Ahhhh! I'm just a little nervous about the twist expect, I really hate when I guess the twist before it comes. I really hope it isn't too obvious for me, but I have a habit of guessing them. Hmmmm.... decisions, decisions, decisions!

    1. I thought the twist was super obvious, but it seems a lot of people didn't... either way, I was still able to enjoy it and that's unusual for me.

  10. I've been meaning to pick up Vanishing Girls but seriously every time I go to do so, some other book distracts me lol. I first feel in love with Lauren when I read Delirium. It was soo freaking good, and I still don't know why I haven't continued reading the trilogy. I definitely will soon because her writing is pretty amazing. Hopefully soon I'll stop playing and pick this up. Great review Michelle :)

  11. The amusement park is such a nice catch. I'm not a huge fan of the author, but I certainly want to give this one a shot before I completely write her off.

  12. I'm such a Lauren Oliver fangirl but I couldn't finish this book. I thought the pace was all off and I couldn't deal with the constant switching between POV and media formats. It was tiring :(
    I'm really glad you enjoyed it though! I love this author and can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
